With the way Easter fell last year and this year, LO will celebrate Easter twice before he turns one. He was due on Easter weekend, came a week early and therefore was a week old at Easter last year.
We usually host Easter for my family, but didn't last year because I was due, and we're not hosting this year because everyone's coming over the weekend after for his birthday party. Should be a low-key weekend! I'd live to get some spring cleaning and organizing done.
Im not doing a basket for DD this year, I don't think it will "stick" and we have such a hectic easter day as it is. Her birthday party is Friday and then Sunday we go to my SIL's for easter brunch, then I run home and pray I can get her to take an early nap before we whisk her away to my parents (1 hour drive) for dinner. I will do an Easter thing for DD next year when it will make sense to her and she will remember it!
March siggy challenge: Dream job = Playing with wolves
I'm working Saturday...boo. But Sunday we'll go to church in the morning and to the in-laws to grill out that evening. DH's dad always hid their Easter baskets as kids, so he wants to start that tradition with DS this year, haha. In his basket I put empty plastic eggs (that I actually think he'll love opening up and chewing on), bubbles, some new onesies, and a ball. The weather is supposed to be nice, so hoping to hang out outside!
There's a neighborhood Easter egg hunt on Friday that we're (I'm) looking forward to. We are doing a basket with some easter books and a stuffed bunny. I also got her some pretend bottles for her baby doll. We are going to my brother and sister in law's house for lunch. Should be nice!
We are visiting my Mom on Saturday then coloring eggs Saturday night. Sunday morning we have our own little Easter egg and basket hunt in the house then head to FIL's for brunch and another egg hunt, stop for a quick visit at my dad's (they live only a block apart) then head to MIL's for an early dinner. Both DH and my parents are divorced and live within 30 minutes of us so we will be making the rounds.
We are doing baskets as DS is 3 and understands Easter traditions now. DS is getting a very small chocolate bunny, small pack of peeps, chocolate covered pretzels, bubbles, stickers, squirt gun and some toy dinosaurs. DD will be getting some teething cookies, Annies graham bunnies, a new sippy cup, socks, a little ball that lights up and a v-teck learning toy. It will be a very busy weekend!
We are driving to my parents on Saturday and my 3 year old is excited to dye Easter eggs. Dd will have a small baske because ds wants her too He even helped me pick what to put in it and had me hide it so "she is surprised" Easter morning just like him. I don't put much in the baskets, just a couple snacks. We will have a simple dinner at my parents and watch a broadcast that our church is doing. That's about it.
DH's birthday is on Saturday so we're having family over for that. We just moved in last weekend so we don't even have a kitchen table yet (our house was too small for one so we always ate in front of the TV). So for Easter, we're just doing a lunch thing and hanging around. We haven't found a church yet, but it's on my list of things do to (add it to the list!). I actually just found out my MIL is surprising us with a visit tomorrow. She will be driving 12 hours (coming from outside of the Chicago area to Virginia). I'm so excited. I love her. So it will be her, plus my side of the family (mom, sister, BIL, brother), and me, DH, and DD. I love having a full house.
We have a busy weekend planned! Friday we are doing an egg hunt and bunny party at a local play park, just the three of us. Saturday we are with my parents for brunch and an egg hunt. Then Sunday we will be at church in the morning, then to the in-laws for lunch and helping them move furniture to get some renos done to the house. Also doing some Easter crafts today with our neighbor! And we did get her a basket, it has bubbles, hair bows, crayons, a straw cup, a book and a puzzle.
Saturday is LO's birthday party with 15 family members. Then Sunday, two sets of grandparents will stay and be here for church and Easter dinner. Then one will leave and it'll be just me, DH, LO, and my parents until they leave Monday night. It'll be a super fun weekend and then a sad Monday evening.
We are going to try to go to the sunrise service on the beach for Easter. I did do a little basket for my son with a couple of small toys, but not much since his birthday is next weekend and if it's anything like Christmas he will get a whole toy store from the family
Saturday we are going to decorate a lamb cake I made (it's my great grandmas recipe and a tradition when I was growing up. So excited to start it with DD!). We will also be coloring eggs, although that's more for us than her! We will also go out to dinner because my birthday was Thursday. Easter we are going over to my parents for dinner. I also made a small basket for her, with just a book, some bath toys, and an Easter bunny.
My lo will also get to celebrate two easters before he is one. Tonight we are going to visit the Easter bunny. Sunday we will go to mass and then my parents for brunch and the inlaws later in the day. The Easter Bunny is bringing lo some bubbles.
Will you guys do the Easter Bunny? I guess I believed in it as a little kid, but it's no match for Santa and seems a little silly. I'm not sure what we're doing here... And I have a 3 year old so I should probably figure that out!
Will you guys do the Easter Bunny? I guess I believed in it as a little kid, but it's no match for Santa and seems a little silly. I'm not sure what we're doing here... And I have a 3 year old so I should probably figure that out!
I do Santa at Christmas, but I'm totally open with my son that I put the surprises in his Easter basket. We talk about the Easter bunny sometimes (he's seen it in books) and he likes to pretend, but he knows it's me. He actually picked out what will go in dd's basket this year. He's 3. It's still a fun exciting surprise.
Ive been thinking about the whole Easter Bunny, Santa and Tooth Fairy thing. I will most definitely do the Santa thing, Im not sure about the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy though
March siggy challenge: Dream job = Playing with wolves
Well, shortly after posting, I overheard DH telling DD that the Easter Bunny would be bringing her something. I guess the decision was made Today she was asking me about a treat she got in her basket and I started talking about where I bought it! Oops! She totally caught on and said "I thought the Easter Bunny brought those". I made some pathetic comment about how I had seen them in a store, so I thought maybe the Easter Bunny had got them there. Haha. It would seem I'm not particularly on board with the Easter Bunny.
I made up LO's Easter basket and it didn't occur to me until after I gave it to him to ask DH if we were soon the Easter Bunny. Whoops! Luckily he's on board
Re: Easter
We usually host Easter for my family, but didn't last year because I was due, and we're not hosting this year because everyone's coming over the weekend after for his birthday party. Should be a low-key weekend! I'd live to get some spring cleaning and organizing done.
March siggy challenge: Dream job = Playing with wolves
Proud Mommy of Derek Michael
April 8, 2014 9lb 6oz 21 inches
March siggy challenge: Dream job = Playing with wolves