We are having a terrible time establishing good sleep habits with our 4.5 month baby girl! Here's what we're dealing with:
1) She wakes up 30 minutes into her naps, almost like clockwork! And..she wakes up very happy! Usually she will fall back asleep, but it is a BATTLE that sometimes takes 30+ minutes... It is VERY rare that she will sleep through the 30 minute mark, regardless of how tired she seems. We swaddle, use white noise, etc. We've tried it all!! If she only sleeps 30 minutes between bottles, she gets very fussy and tired. If she was sleeping through the night, this would be much more tolerable...Anyone else dealt with this? When will the madness end??
2) We started giving her solids about a week ago, with her pediatricians approval. The first 4 nights, she slept better than ever!! (7-9 hours straight! Yay!!). Now, we're back to frequent wake-ups, worse than it was before we started the solids. She is a very light sleeper and groans constantly, almost like she's uncomfortable in her crib. We still have to swaddle her to get her to fall asleep and sooth herself after wake ups. Anyone else experienced a change in sleep habits around 20 weeks? Or after starting rice cereal or oatmeal cereal?
3) She will NOT fall asleep in my arms, or anyone else's... If we are somewhere in town, I try to schedule it around naps because it's nearly impossible for her to sleep anywhere away from home. She will fall asleep in her car seat if she's tired enough, but for 30 minutes or less. Without the swaddle sack, we're screwed as far as sleeping in public goes...
Bottom line, she's not sleeping enough in a 24 hour period. If we go somewhere, we end up with an exhausted, fussy baby and we just have to come home. She gets inconsolable, and it's embarrassing...I don't expect someone to give me a magic answer to fix these problems, but I needed to vent. If anyone DOES have advice or similar experiences happening, please fill me in.
Re: 4.5 Month Old Sleeping Worse Than Ever...
1) Almost every single baby goes through this. For a few months, naps are usually 30-45 minutes long. You can't force them to sleep so if she's awake, then get her up.
2) Solids won't help with sleep. If anything oatmeal and rice cereal cause constipation and can be tough for their tummies to digest. Google "4 month wakeful". Sleep starts to suck around the 4 month mark. Again, totally, totally normal.
3) My DD won't usually fall asleep out in public either. She's too distracted. It sucks, but that's just how your baby is right now. BUT, it won't last forever and eventually she might be better at sleeping while you are out in public.
Why on earth would you be embarrassed?! You have a baby and babies cry Don't let that embarrass you.
I'm no expert, but I am on kid #2 (my baby is 6 months old) and I learned a lot after having my first kid. It's incredibly important to adjust your expectations and instead of getting so frustrated when your baby doesn't do what you think she NEEDS to, just TRY to roll with it. You will never have a perfect schedule and she will constantly change so you have to go with the flow. You HAVE to.
As long as you are making the environment conducive to sleep (swaddle, white noise, etc), then you just have to hope for the best. You cannot force the baby to sleep. Some babies wake up more frequently than others. That's just the way it goes. But again, all of this will pass. I promise you that.
3. Do you carry your baby while in public? We almost always use a carrier because our baby only sometimes likes the stroller. When he's had enough looking around, he buries his head in my chest and goes to sleep. I spent 2 hours at the zoo the other day and he missed the whole thing!
2. Also I wonder if she groans in bed due to digestional issues. Perhaps gas drops and an elevated mattress may help. My pedi said to burp after every 2 ounces and keep upright for 15 mins before laying down.
1. We went through the 30 min naps for weeks. It just took persistence and consistency to get him sleeping longer. Just kept putting him in the same place with white noise and shushing when he woke at 30 to get him to keep snoozing. Now we average 1.5 to 2 hours each nap.
You are experiencing the 4 month sleep regression. Take comfort in the fact that this is a phase and wont last forever.
Keep trying to maintain a routine.
2. We used to do solids before bed but now do them around "snack time" (3-4 pm). maybe try that?
3. I HIGHLY recommend the zipadee zip for this reason. You can use it in a car seat and I swear it is awesome. Check it out.
What time are you putting your Lo to sleep? Just curious...
How does the zipadee zip work? It looks to me like it would allow too much room for movement...What is it that makes it so special?
Also, have you tried an earlier bedtime? For some reason the later we put kiddos to bed the weirder their night routine becomes. It doesn't make sense to me because when I'm up later and im more exhausted, I sleep like a rock, but babies are backwards I think! Haha! Good luck!
Im kinda just waiting for a miracle because i have tried everything.. I am so tired.. My house is a mess, i am always snappy at my hubby and i avoid going out because bub wont nap at all when im out, only at home
I just hope that by 6 months he will sleep longer so i can feel a little bit more normal!