
Hematoma and apnea after c-section

CharmedseedCharmedseed member
edited March 2015 in C-sections
I'm 10 days post op now, and still suffering terrible pain. I had two CT scans while in recovery looking for bleeds because I was in so much pain. I had developed a massive, incredibly painful hematoma and had a lot of blood everywhere through my abdomen.

So now it's ten days after delivery, and I'm still having periods of pain where I can't stand it, often at night, so I'm definitely not getting enough rest. I'm taking all my pain meds, on time, and it's just not cutting it. And of course my LO is in the NICU, so this is just compounding on all my frustration.

What worked for you when healing? Anything I can do besides medication?
Ben Louis, born March 20, 2015 @ 11:50PM. Delivered by c-section at 32 weeks and 6 days due to mother's pre-eclampsia. Doing brilliantly in NICU!

Handstamped, custom jewelry from Charmedseed... grown just for you!

Re: Hematoma and apnea after c-section

  • Oh, and on top of the pain, I've developed sleep apnea as well (I'm not overweight and have never experienced this before). This is all making trying to function absolutely miserable.
    Ben Louis, born March 20, 2015 @ 11:50PM. Delivered by c-section at 32 weeks and 6 days due to mother's pre-eclampsia. Doing brilliantly in NICU!

    Handstamped, custom jewelry from Charmedseed... grown just for you!
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