

I haven't been on here in about a month or so and I'm still kinda new here, but here goes. My husband and I started ttc in October 2010. After many obstacles we have arrived in 2015. Last year my doctor did surgery to remove my endometriosis. He got a lot but not even half. I went on Lupron for 6 months. In January as well as February he had me do provera, femara, and ovadril. I didn't ovulate the first time, and didn't get pregnant the second time. There is just too much endometriosis blocking the egg from getting from the ovary to the tube. He said he believes IVF is my only hope at this point. He gave me other alternatives but it's a lot to go through. We have decided to use donor eggs. The whole process it about 25 thousand dollars. It just so happens that my sister is about to have IVF and has offered me her extra donor eggs that are fertilized by her husband. What do you guys think about this situation. Our children would be siblings. I'm cool with it and so is she, spouses too. Anyway, let me know if this is something you would consider. If I use her donor eggs the entire process only costs me $1500.


  • Wow, what an amazing gift. I think that is such a personal decision, if all persons involved are on board with it then you should do what feels right for you and your family. I wish you the best of luck and your sister with her transfer.
    **Losses Mentioned**
    Me 41, DH 38 
    TTC #1 since 9/2014 AMH 3.68, FSH 6.6
    IUI#1 12-02-2015 Letrozol, Gonal-F, Pregnyl, Acupuncture, BFP 12-17-2015 beta 1=72, beta 2=64, beta 3=10 MC 12-20-14 
    IUI#2 01-08-2015 Letrozol, Gonal-F, Pregnyl, Acupuncture, BFP 01-23-2015 beta 1=151, beta 2=450, beta 3=6524, beta 4= 29380 u/s at 7w5d baby with heartbeat measuring 6w2d. u/s 2-24 gestational sac only, beta 59400 MC 2-24-15 @ 8w6d D&C 2-27-15. Pathology results 47XX +20

    Diagnosis AMA and compound heterozygous MTHFR
  • I agree with dukegirlsc, that is an amazing gift! And it is a personal decision. 

    I, personally, would not make that decision based on the money/cost aspect, but rather on how my husband and I truly/honestly felt about our children being siblings to my sister's children. Best of luck to you and your husband! Keep us posted! :)
    *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
    "Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it" 
    --Helen Keller 

    4 miscarriages: Nov 2009,  Jan 2011, Sept 2011,  Oct 2012
    IVF Round 1:
    3/4/15: Egg Retrieval
    16 Eggs Retrieved -- 15 Fertilized via ICSI -- 10 Blastocysts Biopsied for PGD & PGS -- 2 (male) Blastocysts Remain for Transfer
    5/13/15: FET -- 5/26/15: BFN
    CANCELLED IVF Round 2.

    Living a happy, child-free life with my best friend.
    *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
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  • I didn't tell my husband about the cost difference. He is okay with it. He just wants to have little ones in the house again.
  • (child mentioned) 

    We're considering skipping IVF and doing straight to donor eggs for our 2nd one - and what I can tell you is that if I had the option you have it would be a no brainer! What I would suggest since you already have her eggs and you presumably have some extra money left over is to consider PGS testing if it's available at your clinic.They will have presumably pulled her best looking embryos for her cycles - and it couldn't hurt to have the remainder checked. 

    Another thing to consider is to make sure that the legal work is clear. I'm assuming she'll sign all rights away just like any donor would - but I know it's impossible to imagine, but if there ever were a falling out you'd want to make sure that because there's genetic material involved from her husband there were no legal risks. 

    Finally, before you decide for sure, I'd definitely think about the value of eggs from an agency. You do get a wider pool and what your sister prioritized when she chose a donor may not be the same as what you would. But I'm sure you've thought of all that. 

    All that said, I'm 99% sure I'd jump at that chance!
    Me: 41, DH 38, Diagnosis DOR
    Started TTC 12/2013
    First Trip to RE: 11/2014
    IVF Round 1: 2/2014 - BFP
    DD Born 11/9/2014
    TTC a Sibling Started 5/2015
    First IVF Round 8/15 - BFN
    Taking a break to go on vacation + enjoy the holidays before FET and/or another IVF round in 2016!

  • edited April 2015
    I wouldn't hesitate. best of luck!
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