1. How far along are you? What is your EDD? What size is baby?
2. Age at delivery?
3. Any other children or fur babies?
4. How are you feeling?
5. Upcoming appointments or milestones? Rants or raves?
QOTW: We talk a lot about our aches, pains, insomnia, etc. But what is one thing (if there is one, lol) that you ENJOY about being pregnant?
Re: Weekly checkin: 3/28/15
2. Age at delivery? 37
3. Any other children or fur babies? 2 DDs, 2 dogs
4. How are you feeling? Pretty good, morning sickness is easing up
5. Upcoming appointments or milestones? Rants or raves? I don't get to see my MW until I'm 17 weeks, but am looking forward to hearing baby's heartbeat.
QOTW: We talk a lot about our aches, pains, insomnia, etc. But what is one thing (if there is one, lol) that you ENJOY about being pregnant?
Elizabeth 5yrs old Jane 3yrs old
I'm 36 with no priors.
My next appointment on April 13 and another ultrasound is on April 16. I'll be 36 weeks by then - eek!
QOTW: We talk a lot about our aches, pains, insomnia, etc. But what is one thing (if there is one, lol) that you ENJOY about being pregnant?
2. Age at delivery? 42
3. Any other children or fur babies? 2 puppies; 4m & 1y, 1 kitty; 2y
4. How are you feeling? I am feeling relatively good. I get tired & thirsty a lot, tender breast and mild heartburn. But generally feeling good. I'm excited about becoming a mom.
5. Upcoming appointments or milestones? Rants or raves? First ultrasound 4/10
QOTW: We talk a lot about our aches, pains, insomnia, etc. But what is one thing (if there is one, lol) that you ENJOY about being pregnant? Since I'm still early in this and feeling good.... I am enjoying being pregnant and the idea of it all. We've been trying for so long that I am happy to be here
1. How far along are you? What is your EDD? What size is baby?
39 weeks, due 4/5/15, normal baby size
2. Age at delivery?
3. Any other children or fur babies?
DS is 21 months and we have 2 black labs
4. How are you feeling?
huge. tired. insomnia. I am feeling more energetic than normal, but I don't know if it is real nesting, or just the fact that I'm off work, napping a lot, and finally over my cold. I've also had pretty much constant BH for about 2 weeks. They're triggered by dehydration OR full bladder. And by being on my feet too much OR needing to get up and move more. And by baby moving OR me moving. So annoying.
5. Upcoming appointments or milestones? Rants or raves?
I have my 39-week check tomorrow and we're scheduling induction.
QOTW: We talk a lot about our aches, pains, insomnia, etc. But what is one thing (if there is one, lol) that you ENJOY about being pregnant?
**siggy warning**
Current Age 35, DH 33
Married 9/2011
BFP 8/2012, Miscarried 9/2012
BFP 9/2012, DS 6/2013
BFP 6/2014, Miscarried 7/2014
BFP 7/2014, DD 4/2015
28+3, June 18th, eggplant
2. Age at delivery?
3. Any other children or fur babies?
2 kitties. Silt, the Big Man and Samurai, the Ewok Praetorian Guard
4. How are you feeling?
Yesterday I felt like complete and total $h!t. Just felt like I wanted to barf all day and all night long, and even more frustrating, never actually barfed. Feeling on an upward swing away from that today, tho, so that's good
5. Upcoming appointments or milestones? Rants or raves?
Next appointment is this coming Friday. I'm at that stage where I now will come every 2-3 weeks instead of every 4.
Too bushed from my ordeal of crappiness yesterday and overnight to think of either a rant or rave
QOTW: We talk a lot about our aches, pains, insomnia, etc. But what is one thing (if there is one, lol) that you ENJOY about being pregnant?
This is my first pregnancy so I am getting a kick out of all LO's movements (pun kind of intended). I'm also noticing what the PP said about people in general just being more considerate of me (I dropped my keys and had 3 guys all begin to get them for me - what sweeties). There is also a lady (the wife of my coworker) who loves hearing about my cat interacting with my belly and is always 'awww'-ing and talking how they will be best friends. That would be Samurai, the Ewok Praetorian Guard. He loves to knead and purr on my bump and can be a little protective of it when he is in my lap. Or he's just protective of his comfy spot... Who knows?
1. How far along are you? What is your EDD? What size is baby?
38 weeks, April 7th
2. Age at delivery?
3. Any other children or fur babies?
3 girls, one beagle, and a cat.
4. How are you feeling?
Big and sore! Lol! Ready to meet my baby!!
5. Upcoming appointments or milestones? Rants or raves?
39 week appt in a couple of days. If I make it! All of my babies have been early. Rave - my mom got to come home after over a month of being in the hospital, then in rehab. So grateful she had a Dr. that knew what was wrong with her! The first few did not...

QOTW: We talk a lot about our aches, pains, insomnia, etc. But what is one thing (if there is one, lol) that you ENJOY about being pregnant? Feeling the baby move
2. 38 (need to change my siggy)
3. A toddler and a dog
4. Feeling low mood lately due to being on bed rest the past couple weeks and likely through to delivery. I'm having pretty severe back pain due to scoliosis and pelvic pain due to SPD, to the point I can barely walk from the bed to the bathroom. Sucks to be totally out of control of my life but I do have a new respect and sympathy for people with actual chronic pain conditions like fibromyalgia. So part of me feels guilty for feeling sad, too!
5. Regular prenatal visit next week. I'll be getting the TDaP vaccination. Woot woot.
QOTW: Thanks for this, I needed it! I'm trying hard to relish this pregnancy as it is my last. I love feeling LO move and kick and get stronger, it reminds me that he's a healthy growing baby in there. And I can't wait to meet him, introduce him to DD, and complete our little family. ❤️❤️❤️
Also, I love giving birth to. I treasure it knowing its the last moments I will be pregnant...everything is about to change and as great as it is to have the baby...sad the pregnancy is actually over. Also, giving birth makes me feel very empowered. I just accomplished something no one else can or ever will do...gave birth to THIS child. I think I do it well (no drugs no complaints get through the pain push a few times and boom...nothing to it). The whole process feels just like this amazing thing. I don't know..just I enjoy it!!
1. How far along are you? What is your EDD? What size is baby?
27 weeks. June 24
2. Age at delivery?
3. Any other children or fur babies?
4. How are you feeling?
Good pregnancy wise. Still have a cough, going on a month now which annoys me and wishing it would just go away already.
5. Upcoming appointments or milestones? Rants or raves?
Appt on Wednesday. I also have to try to get my glucose test done this week but they want it after week 28 starts which is Wed. I will see if I can do it early thurs a.m.
Rant: Husband is off in Vegas again. Under the cover of "its a work conference" but he never even goes to the conferences but maybe a 1/2 day...heck it doesn't even start till like mid week and he left Saturday...its all a cover for going on vacation, really.
Rave: Anyone else have the option to bring their own jelly beans to their glucose test vs drinking the normally provided syrup? This dr I have now gives you a certain number (its like 25 or something) of Brach's regular jelly beans, no black ones, that is equal to the glucose in the drink so you can substitute eating jelly beans if you choose. You just have to bring them yourself in a little baggie. Its the only dr I have had over the years that has given that option..kind of cool!
We talk a lot about our aches, pains, insomnia, etc. But what is one
thing (if there is one, lol) that you ENJOY about being pregnant?
Honestly I love everything and the parts I don't love...extreme sickness all day every day the first 16, 17, 18 or more weeks I overlook easily as I love the overall so much that the bad parts don't get to me!
One thing I really like is that I never feel happy with my body since having a few kids. I don't buy myself new clothes unless I absolutely totally need them and then I just go grab something cheap don't try it on don't get what I would really like to have because I feel I won't really look great in it anyways why bother and spend the money. Maybe one day I will look good again if I exercise nonstop for a year and have some major cosmetic surgery by a world renowned expert, and then I will reward myself. BUT when I am pregnant I feel like I am suppose to have this belly and a big belly makes other flaws much less discernable....everyone can't get over the belly so they don't notice dark under eye circles, saggy boobs or flabby hips. I buy myself clothes when pregnant and wear jewelry etc because I feel confident!
**siggy warning**
Current Age 35, DH 33
Married 9/2011
BFP 8/2012, Miscarried 9/2012
BFP 9/2012, DS 6/2013
BFP 6/2014, Miscarried 7/2014
BFP 7/2014, DD 4/2015
2. Age at delivery? 43
3. Any other children or fur babies? DS, 3 cats
4. How are you feeling? Feeling a little better. Some of my food aversions appear to be going away but still can't do coffee or tea and water is tough too.
5. Upcoming appointments or milestones? Rants or raves? Next appt is at 17wks. I'll find out the results of DH blood work today to rule out the weird recessive genetic condition we just found out I have. Thinking of telling work this week as well, I've only been here for 6 months so I'm a bit nervous but at the end of the day it is what it is.. I can't do much about it!
QOTW: We talk a lot about our aches, pains, insomnia, etc. But what is one thing (if there is one, lol) that you ENJOY about being pregnant? I love that the swelling and fluid retention makes my wrinkles appear softer, LOL!!! I also just get my mind blow by everything that our bodies are capable of, it's just crazy and miraculous!
Me 43 DH 48 Not actively ttc, surprise BFP on 1/6/11! 4/1/11 m/c our sunshine at 16wks after complications from CVS test. *5th cycle after loss 12/6/11 BFP! Missed m/c at 9 weeks 1/21/12, trisomy 14. Two Chemical PG 3/12&7/12
** BFP 8/16/12 beta #1 148! beta#2 407 beta #3 4000 u/s 9.10 1 lovely hb 126, Baby Boy born 5/6/2013!
TTC #2, bpf 1/15/15 Baby Girl due Oct 1! She's here, 9/26/2015!
EDD: 03/20/15 Born:03/29/15 at 41 weeks 2 days
2. Age at delivery?
37 years
3. Any other children or fur babies?
The tenth one was born yesterday.
4. How are you feeling?
Pretty well considering that I gave birth yesterday.
Postpartum 2-day follow up, Follow up with family Ped, Removal of nine yr daughter's stitches (one week ago she was rough housing with her brother.... She is now due to have the stitches removed), and an animal control hearing ( neighbor's dog) on Thursday.
QOTW: We talk a lot about our aches, pains, insomnia, etc. But what is one thing (if there is one, lol) that you ENJOY about being pregnant?
Birth is safe as life gets - Harriette Hartigan
Me 43 DH 48 Not actively ttc, surprise BFP on 1/6/11! 4/1/11 m/c our sunshine at 16wks after complications from CVS test. *5th cycle after loss 12/6/11 BFP! Missed m/c at 9 weeks 1/21/12, trisomy 14. Two Chemical PG 3/12&7/12
** BFP 8/16/12 beta #1 148! beta#2 407 beta #3 4000 u/s 9.10 1 lovely hb 126, Baby Boy born 5/6/2013!
TTC #2, bpf 1/15/15 Baby Girl due Oct 1! She's here, 9/26/2015!
25 weeks, July 11, cauliflower (or so they say)
2. Age at delivery?
3. Any other children or fur babies?
Three kitties. Am surprised none have tried to get into the bassinet I brought into the bedroom. Bailey, however, has been sleeping in the baby tub that my future SIL gave me, lol. She looks too cute to shoo away.
4. How are you feeling?
Up and down. Went to a spring training game on Saturday here is Arizona. It was HOT. I was uncomfortable. Actually spent $5 to get an iced lemonade, lol. Also, a few years ago, I was tubing on the river, lost my tube and had to float down the rapids sans tube. Hit my tailbone on a rock and was in a ton of pain for a while. I think I must have cracked it or something, but don't know since I never went to the doc. (I mean, really, what can they do if you crack your tailbone.) Well, it hasn't bothered me for at least two years ... until I was sitting on lawn area in the outfield on Saturday. Talk about uncomfortable! Now I am kinda concerned that labor may make it act up again as well. Not much I can do though. Just gonna take it as it comes.
5. Upcoming appointments or milestones? Rants or raves?
No appointment til mid-April. My parents are in town, so it has been fun visiting with them. Mom and I did some yard saling on Saturday and we hit a great one with maternity clothes in my size! Got two dresses, a pair of capri jeans, two shirts and two EXPENSIVE nursing bras (the kind that are tanks that have a hole cut out and you can just pop up the bra part to breastfeed) all for $8 total! Now, normally, I am anti-second-hand bras, but I couldn't pass that deal up.
QOTW: We talk a lot about our aches, pains, insomnia, etc. But what is one thing (if there is one, lol) that you ENJOY about being pregnant?
Congrats to @MangomamaFL !
Good luck tomorrow (or today) @mattandlora
June 1, 31 weeks
2. Age at delivery?
3. Any other children or fur babies?
4. How are you feeling?
Big and slow but good
5. Upcoming appointments or milestones? Rants or raves?
QOTW: We talk a lot about our aches, pains, insomnia, etc. But what is one thing (if there is one, lol) that you ENJOY about being pregnant?
17 weeks today. EDD is 9/9/15 and baby is the size of an onion (what a lovely food item to compare to)
2. Age at delivery?
39 unless baby decides to come a week late. My 40th birthday is 9/17.
3. Any other children or fur babies?
First bi-ped baby... 2 dogs, Molly a 15 year old German Shepherd/Beagle mix and Maude, a 10 year old long haired Dashchund, 1 cat, JuJu
4. How are you feeling?
Today, I am feeling great! Besides getting further into the 2nd trimester, I am finally getting over a respiratory infection I've been battling for around a month.
5. Upcoming appointments or milestones? Rants or raves?
My next appointment isn't until April 20 (seems like forever)! The forever part is probably because that's the 20 week appointment and we get to see the baby!
QOTW: We talk a lot about our aches, pains, insomnia, etc. But what is one thing (if there is one, lol) that you ENJOY about being pregnant?
2. Age at delivery? 35yrs
3. Any other children or fur babies? 2 cats
4. How are you feeling? Nauseous all the time. No vomiting.
5. Upcoming appointments or milestones? Rants or raves? Appointment with ob on 4/9. NT scan and cell free DNA testing on 4/20.
QOTW: We talk a lot about our aches, pains, insomnia, etc. But what is one thing (if there is one, lol) that you ENJOY about being pregnant? Sharing the excitement with family. They were shocked as everyone assumed my husband and I would be DINKs for life.
I have no desire to go to Vegas. Its not a place for me. I can't get past the fact that they pride themselves on it being a place to sin without consequences. My husband tries to tell me its great because its so showy etc. But, nah, no appeal for me.
My husband pretty much for the most part anymore can decide exactly where he wants to go and send others to things he doesn't want to do. Whenever anything is in Vegas you can bet he is the one going. If there is something in North Dakota in December...nope he won't be going...or Arizona in July...nope....but Vegas you can count on it
I have no desire to go to Vegas. Its not a place for me. I can't get past the fact that they pride themselves on it being a place to sin without consequences. My husband tries to tell me its great because its so showy etc. But, nah, no appeal for me
I've been once, for a work conference. It was my first, and hopefully last trip there. the biggest bother to me was the constant overstimultion. You couldnt escape it. My favorite part of the trip was leaving the city to hike at Red Rocks. We saw an entire heard of big horn sheep.
(Sorry if I messed up the quote formatting. I'm trying to do it from a phone while holding a baby)
**siggy warning**
Current Age 35, DH 33
Married 9/2011
BFP 8/2012, Miscarried 9/2012
BFP 9/2012, DS 6/2013
BFP 6/2014, Miscarried 7/2014
BFP 7/2014, DD 4/2015