Two Under 2

introducing older baby to new baby?

Hi all. Our 2nd kid under 2 is due any day now. Baby #1 is 21 months old. Any advice for how to introduce him to the new baby, or what NOT to do?

**siggy warning**

Current Age 35, DH 33

Married 9/2011

BFP 8/2012, Miscarried 9/2012

BFP 9/2012, DS 6/2013

BFP 6/2014, Miscarried 7/2014

BFP 7/2014, DD 4/2015

Re: introducing older baby to new baby?

  • Our kids are 23 months apart.  Prior to giving birth we often read books to our daughter about becoming a big sister.  (This was our favorite one:  )

    When I gave birth my daughter stayed at my in-laws' until I was discharged from the hospital.  We wanted to wait until I got home before introducing her to her little brother.  I fed him ahead of time, and he was asleep in his pack and play by the time my husband brought her home.  (I heard that it's best if the baby is not in your arms when the sibling meets the baby.)  When she walked in, I welcomed her as if it was a normal day, and then after a few minutes I told her (very excitedly) that her baby brother finally came!  We walked into the room where the pack and play was and picked her up to look at him.  We also had wrapped a large present and put it next to his pack and play.  We told her that the present was for her, from her baby brother. 

    She really has never shown a lot of jealousy towards him.  He is 17 months old now.  We've always made sure to try to treat them equally.  If I pass by and give him a kiss, I give her a kiss.  If I tickle him, I then tickle her, etc.  We try not to compare them when we talk in front of her.  We also included her as much as we could with his care (feeding, diaper changes).  She regressed with potty training for a while, but that was about it as far as regression.


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