so, she is a devout Catholic, which is all fine and good. However, she told me today that she would be an hour late to our baby shower. By choice. It's apparently "Devine Mercy Sunday" and our shower starts at 3pm, "the hour of mercy", and she will be in mass. A very dear friend on ours planned this shower, ordered linens and flowers and is going very far to make this beautiful and special. Not to mention, MIL left half way through our wedding reception to attend mass. I'm feeling offended and just plain sad. I suppose I should sleep on it, but this is very upsetting. So basically, should I be more understanding or what? How would you ladies react to this kind of thing? DH feels exactly the same.....
Re: How to handle difficult MIL situation
Our rescued fur babies, Harley and Maya
BFP 1/23/14, EDD 10/1/14, M/C 2/13/14 - Forever loved
Our rescued fur babies, Harley and Maya
BFP 1/23/14, EDD 10/1/14, M/C 2/13/14 - Forever loved
My husband says all the time I wasn't raised as a child I was raised as a catholic and always felt guilty and we won't do that to our child but around his mother it's church church church because he's afraid telling her he doesn't go every Sunday will give her a heart attack.... I've learned to smile and just go along with it because we don't see them that often but I swear if she ever tells my child they will be going to hell because they did something "wrong" all hell will break loose!
Sorry kind went off on a rant there, I usually can't talk about this and it felt good to let it all out! I guess my best advice is let her be who she is (as wrong as it may be that it comes before family) and be thankful she doesn't force you.