I am between 7-8 weeks right now. Haven't had an ultrasound to get a date, yet. I was just curious what symptoms that other mom-to-have at 7-8 weeks in their pregnancy?
I think mine seem mild. Mild nausea in the morning and before meals and aching boobs. I had really bad migraines last week. Yesterday I had a crying meltdown for an hour at work.
Re: What are your current symptoms at 7-8 weeks?
Congrats everyone!!
Edited: Oh, I am 8 weeks today! Hello little Raspberry! First ultrasound on Monday. Did anyone at 8w3d see the heartbeat as well as hear it?
Nausea (no vomiting)
Food cravings & aversions
Super sore boobs
Starting with the weird dreams
Peeing all the time
Indigestion started week 8, but seems a bit better today!
Bloated (having to explain that it isn't a baby bump) lol nausea like crazy, boobs are sore but not unbearable kinda like when I'm on my period and my appetite is slowly coming back but the nausea keeps me from eating like I would normally
8 w 2 d
i feel better than i thought i ever would being pregnant, sometimes i think it may be too good to be true. i know it's still early though... i have heard the heartbeat though, so that's kept me positive.
nausea every once in awhile, tired/lazy, boobs must stay in a bra at night or else i wake up with them hurting sooo bad, heartburn, getting up 2-3 times a night to pee, thirsty a lot, hungry but nothing sounds good sometimes and then when i do eat i could eat a whole cow lol or hungry constantly