Trouble TTC

Zero sperm count

any success stories or suggestions? Run into this with my partner.

Re: Zero sperm count

  • Hello,

    You will not find success stories as most women on here are trying for our first.  Your best bet would be to try the Third Party Reproduction board, you will find people who are using donated sperm.  They might also know of other remedies and medications, etc.

    Married for 7 years, TTC for 4 years
    dx:  Diminished Ovarian Reserve
    2 Clomid IUI's + 4 injectable IUI's= 5 BFNs and 1 mc

  • Has your DH seen a urologist? They can help you figure out why he has zero sperm count.
    Me(28) DH(28) 
    Expecting Baby #2

    BabyFetus Ticker
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  • My husband has azoospermia, which means he doesn't produce sperm. A urologist performed a biopsy to confirm. Sometimes there can be a blockage so they are able to retrieve the sperm during the biopsy and with IVF and ISCI you can have a baby. However, without producing sperm your only option is to use a donor. We've done 9 IUIs and are at the end of our 1st IVF cycle. All with donor sperm.
  • My husband also produces 0 sperm.  Our RE sent us to an Andrologist who did a karyotype (DNA profile) and confirmed it was Klinefelter's Syndrome.  So he is genetically unable to make sperm.  
    Me:  27  Husband:  31
    Together since 2007, married since 2011
    TTC baby #1
    My TTC Journey:
    2007-2013:  NTNP
    July 2013:  started TTC.
    October 2014:  Husband dx with Klinefelter's syndrome .
    November 2014:  HSG-inconclusive, only showed left fallopian tube was open.
    November 2014:  Dx w/ syphilis, husband negative.
    December 2014:  Treated for syphilis.
    Janurary 2015:  Doctor's figured out syphilis dx was biologic false positive (thank god).
    March 2015:  Exploratory laparoscopy- congenital absence of right fallopian tube and right ovary.
    April 2015:  First IUI--unsuccessful.  

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