July 2015 Moms

Storage cube organizer

Would a storage cube organizer be a bad idea for our LOs dresser? I can't find anything that matches her crib that doesn't cost a fortune and I saw the cubes and I just thought it would be so cute!

Re: Storage cube organizer

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    whatever works for you is fine. I would get a basket for at least one of the cubes for socks, other little stuff that could fall out of the cube.

    June 2012 Mom (2.5 yr old boy), July 2015 Mom (team green), Babywearing newbie/enthusiast
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    I'm thinking of doing the same thing and getting baskets to go in them as drawers.
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    The biggest issue I see with that is when your LO becomes mobile and starts pulling the storage cubes out and flinging their clothes everywhere, haha. At least with a dresser you can add the child-proof drawer latches to contain that urge. When I was in my tiny apartment I used something similar for my clothes, and I found it annoying to try and find specific articles of clothing that I wanted, because I usually had two or more rows of things to sort through. But, baby clothes and accessories are pretty small so that may be a non-issue.

    FWIW I'm Ikea-hacking a dresser because I couldn't find one that I wanted. I'm actually Ikea-hacking most of my furniture other than the crib and the glider because I'm cheap, haha. :)
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    I did get an 8 cube organizer and got 4 of the felt cubes to put in there...Im not sure what exactly is going on there I figured the empty squares will be books or knick knacks and the buckets can be socks or burp cloths while he is really young. I did also get one dresser but I like the idea of having lots of places to put things, especially in the beginning when you will have things in all different sizes.
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    asherk said:

    The biggest issue I see with that is when your LO becomes mobile and starts pulling the storage cubes out and flinging their clothes everywhere, haha. At least with a dresser you can add the child-proof drawer latches to contain that urge. When I was in my tiny apartment I used something similar for my clothes, and I found it annoying to try and find specific articles of clothing that I wanted, because I usually had two or more rows of things to sort through. But, baby clothes and accessories are pretty small so that may be a non-issue.

    FWIW I'm Ikea-hacking a dresser because I couldn't find one that I wanted. I'm actually Ikea-hacking most of my furniture other than the crib and the glider because I'm cheap, haha. :)

    We had to put locks on all the stress drawers because DS likes to open them and pull everything out!

    Maybe you can get a dresser from a garage sale or Craigslist for cheap? Spring cleaning... lots of people get rid of perfectly good furniture!
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    I love it, it's a great idea. We have something similar in our closet. Yes baby might start pulling everything out at some point but they like to do that with dresser drawers too so I don't see that as a deterrent. And anyway it's just a phase, they only do it for a short time.
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    We have the cube thing for our toys (it's the one from PB Kids) never had any problems with climbing. But our son hit his head on the corner and had to get stitches. But I guess there are corners in everything so...not sure it could have been prevented.
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    mnj05mnj05 member
    That's what I have and am getting for DS2 as well. There wasn't enough room for a full dresser and I like this better anyway. DS1 is just over 2 and has not pulled them out. He plays in his room everyday.


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    asherk said:

    The biggest issue I see with that is when your LO becomes mobile and starts pulling the storage cubes out and flinging their clothes everywhere, haha. At least with a dresser you can add the child-proof drawer latches to contain that urge. When I was in my tiny apartment I used something similar for my clothes, and I found it annoying to try and find specific articles of clothing that I wanted, because I usually had two or more rows of things to sort through. But, baby clothes and accessories are pretty small so that may be a non-issue.

    FWIW I'm Ikea-hacking a dresser because I couldn't find one that I wanted. I'm actually Ikea-hacking most of my furniture other than the crib and the glider because I'm cheap, haha. :)
    I hadn't even thought of this!! I also thought that the cubes might be a good storage option
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    I totally have a storage issue. I will need a dresser but probably much more than just a dresser for clothes and blankets. We don't have much closet space in the house. I was thinking of buying a trunk or two but not sure what other options I will have for storage, including toys and clothing
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    I just bought one! Way cheaper than a dresser. Lol. Although my toddler has already tried pulling them out, but I just tell him no.
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    Ikea has a lot of them. I got mine from Target.
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    I did that before and it ended up falling apart, and had to go out and buy a dresser. Just something to keep in mind.
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