
TTC with Auto-Immune Diseases


My husband and I have been TTC for 2 years now and I have just figured out after a year of blood testing and feeling completely miserable that I have hypothyroidism and celiac's disease. I know both of these diseases cause infertility and am wondering if anyone else out there can give me a little glimmer of hope that I can still get pregnant. 

Trying to stay positive - I know once my body is back to "normal" that it can be possible, but it seems bleak to me currently. Thank you!
Sara Marie

Re: TTC with Auto-Immune Diseases

  • Hi @srambo2 ... I too have hypothyroidism but with positive antibodies (Hashimotos). Believe it or not, its very common in woman, more so in older women.  But neither hypothyroidism nor celiac cause infertility although there are many studies that link infertility and auto-immune issues. Many, many women, friends and neighbors I know (and so many others) have gone on to have healthy pregnancies with either or both disorders. Its very important to have your thyroid under control before conceiving, but your RE will help you with that. The good news is that you have figured it out and more than likely you'll be feeling much better in no time... your diet will allow you to feel amazingly better! There is so much information out there on both disorders, be sure to read scientifically proven and medical journals, instead of the hype. You have more than a glimmer of hope. Good luck to you and wishing you success!!!
  • I don't agree that your auto immune issues cant cause infertility . Ask any reproductive immunologist and they will tell you . With that being said I think your better off with a reproductive immunologist. I would let the reproductive endocrinologists deal with their field of medicine and let the reproductive immunologist help you in their field of expertise. There is one in New York and his name is Dr. Braverman. Last time I checked he was in network with Cigna only. There is Dr. Kwak Kim in Chicago Illinois and she does take most insurance. I have been her patient for almost 3 years and have only received one bill and that was for the initial office visit. There is also the Beer center and they are in California. If you are interested, there is also an RE who is very into reproductive immunology and his name is Dr. Jeffrey Sher. He has a blog that he answers questions on. I would ask him what his opinion is. Tell him how long you have been trying, and your history and don't forget to mention your auto immune issues too. He answers questions 365 days a year. I would check if out and post a question just for information. Best wishes you.
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  • przemosbabe ... I guess what I was trying to say was that just because you have hypothyroidism or celiac, doesn't mean you will be infertile.  That having one may increase your odds, yes, but like I mentioned most women who are hypothyroid or celiac have healthy natural pregnancies. 
    srambo2 ... only wanting the best for all of us.
  • Thank you both! My mom has a specialist that she saw when trying to get pregnant with my little brother and he is still in practice. I really appreciate the feedback and support. I am excited now that I have already started to feel better (Gluten-Free for one whole week today!). 
    Sara Marie

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