Pregnant after 35

Should I try to get pregnant at age 45?

I have 2 beautiful daughters, conceived naturally, with problem free pregnancies and born when I was 41 and 42.  We would really like a 3rd but not sure if the risk is worth it.  I'm in good shape with no health problems, but then I tell myself why risk what I have, I've been lucky so far but - I'd still be at higher risk for PIH or other complications.  But on the other hand why not at least try….so torn.  Ideas?
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Re: Should I try to get pregnant at age 45?

  • Only you can decide. :) I would advise doing so quickly. It's entirely possible to have a healthy pregnancy and child at your age, but it may require some medical help, so if you think you would regret not doing it for the rest of your life, I would speak to your medical team as soon as possible (OB, RE, etc.).
  • I agree with marijaa333. It's obviously possible to have a healthy pregnancy/baby at 45 and you've had a history of successful pregnancies and healthy moms/babies which is a good thing. I'm 37 and 30 weeks pregnant with my third. I have a history of miscarriages and a late loss at 20 weeks. I was really concerned about being AMA with my history. I was worried about the additional risks that would factor in.  At the start of my pregnancy, I was treating with the high risk clinic where I had all of my babies and losses.  They told me that your history actually plays a larger role than your age does. They weren't doing any additional testing that they wouldn't have already been doing.  

    But I don't think it would hurt to discuss with your OB and/or an RE. Just to have a professional opinion. 

    Good luck to you! 
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  • Just want to agree that it's such a personal choice but if you think it's what you want to do, then I don't see your age as being a compelling reason not to try. You should probably just decide where that ends for you, such as are you going to just try w/o intervention, at what point do you want to include some type of fertility assistance ect, just so you know what your end game looks like and you can create a realistic timeline.

    nate and teddy        <img src= width="150px">

    Me 43 DH 48 Not actively ttc, surprise BFP on 1/6/11! 4/1/11 m/c our sunshine at 16wks after complications from CVS test.  *5th cycle after loss 12/6/11 BFP! Missed m/c at 9 weeks 1/21/12, trisomy 14. Two Chemical PG 3/12&7/12
    ** BFP 8/16/12 beta #1 148! beta#2 407 beta #3 4000 u/s 9.10 1 lovely hb 126, Baby Boy born 5/6/2013!

    TTC #2, bpf 1/15/15 Baby Girl due Oct 1! She's here, 9/26/2015! 

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  • The fact that you had 2 good pregnancies in your 40's already is a great sign.  Could you have a complicated pregnancy or conceive an unhealthy child?  Sure.  But that's a risk every single woman takes with every single pregnancy whether you are 20 or 45! 
  • If you want another baby go for it.
  • Hi @excited16! I understand your dilemma... and I agree with all the previous posters.

    My sister had two babies in her early 40-s - one born when she was almost 42, the other when she was 43.5... Then she was convinced she was already staring her menopause. Well, nope! She will be giving birth to another child this May, and later this year she'll turn 47! It seems that the child is perfectly healthy, too.
    Me: 41; DH: 49
    Married in 2010. 
    Laparoscopy for endometriosis - July 2010.
    BFP#1: Jan 2011; MMC March 2011
    BFP#2: Nov 2011; Blighted Ovum December 2011
    Diagnosed with high FSH and DOR - January 2012
    BFP#3: (Gonal-F, Trigger + TI) - May 2012; DD born Jan 2013 (c-section because of partial placental abruption)


    December 2013: FSH 27, AMH < 0.03
    A few medicated TI cycles in 2014.
    BFP#4: (Gonal-F, Trigger +TI) - Nov 2014; DS born July 2015

  • excited16 said:

    I have 2 beautiful daughters, conceived naturally, with problem free pregnancies and born when I was 41 and 42.  We would really like a 3rd but not sure if the risk is worth it.  I'm in good shape with no health problems, but then I tell myself why risk what I have, I've been lucky so far but - I'd still be at higher risk for PIH or other complications.  But on the other hand why not at least try….so torn.  Ideas?

    Have you weighed the pros and cons?
    Do you have good support?
    Are you ready to accept whatever comes your way (good or not so easy)?

    Good luck with that question. It's your life, you live it! :)
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