
What Kind Of Twins???

I was wondering what kind of twins mine look to be. I think i see 2 seperate membrane sacs inside one placenta. We re due in October.

Re: What Kind Of Twins???

  • I don't see a picture.. Didn't your doctor tell you what kind they were?
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  • i didnt go to the dr. i went to the hospital because i was cramping and thats where i found out there was 2 instead of 1.
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  • ckalm5ckalm5 member
    edited March 2015
    Well if they do have 2 sacs one placenta I believe that would make them monochorionic/diamniotic (I may have that wrong though). Congrats on the twins :)
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  • Is it a thin membrane separating them or is it larger? And it could be two placentas that fuse together. I have 1 placenta with a very thin membrane separating mine so they are identical or mo/di. But then again you can have identicals with two separate sacs and 2 placentas. Sometimes you can't tell til they are born or even getting a dna test.
  • I just posted something about this. Ours were in their own sacs so we were told they were fraternal but turns out the egg split very early and a DNA test confirmed they were identical! I figured they were because they looked so much alike.
  • yes there is a thin membrane seperating the sacs and they are in one placenta. drs are about 99% sure they are identical.
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