April 2014 Moms

From Our Bump Family to Yours

smushismushi member
edited March 2015 in April 2014 Moms
The time is quickly approaching, and may have already occurred for many of you, for your LO's to make their arrival.  As we here at A14 are celebrating our babies' first birthdays, we wanted to congratulate A15 on all of your newest family additions with words of encouragement, love, and support, just as A13 did for us one year ago.

(Post your words of encouragement below!  GIFS are totally acceptable! This is the link we will share with A15 in just a few days!!!!!!!)

Re: From Our Bump Family to Yours

  • Talltrees82Talltrees82 member
    edited March 2015
    Congrats A15! Wishing you all the best as your precious little ones enter the world. I've been thinking about this time last year as my LO's first birthday approaches, and I'm filled with fond memories and joy (all those sleepless nights are now a blur, ha ha!). I'm so happy for you all, enjoy all those special moments with your springtime babies!
  • manders803manders803 member
    edited March 2015
    Congrats and best wishes! remember in the hard moments, this too shall pass. Enjoy the good moments too because they too go quick.
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  • smushismushi member
    edited March 2015
    To the mommas with your already outside babies, congratulations!  Times may get tough, you may be sleep deprived and weary, but you are this little one's momma for the rest of ever, and that is an awesome place to be.

    For you mommas waiting on your little ones' arrivals, stay strong!  It's an uncomfortable spot to be in for sure, but we send you lots of peaceful thoughts, and may all your middle of the night potty breaks be short and sweet! (not barfing up Chuy's like it set a small bomb in your esophagus)

    And for the ultimate in post partum hormones, watch at your own discretion:

  • babayRFLbabayRFL member
    edited March 2015
    This is such an exciting time! My advice is to follow your baby's lead and do what feels right and works best for you, regardless of what other people/books/the Internet tell you. You and your mama instinct know what's best for YOUR baby. Your instincts will surprise you! Congratulations, mamas!
  • Congrats new mamas!! I still can't believe our littles will be one so very soon. Enjoy every moment with your squishy little baby because time really does go so fast. My piece of advice..if the hospital provides you with a nose sucker, take it home! It will be the best one you can find. Ha! Congrats ladies!



    Proud Mommy of Derek Michael

    April 8, 2014 9lb 6oz 21 inches

  • Last year at this time I remember being so nervous because I didn't know what to expect. Just relax and try to enjoy all that is coming your way. Don't worry about trying to do everything perfect; you will figure it out soon enough. I am so excited for all of you. You will be wonderful moms. Congrats!
  • Congrats! You're almost there and you're going to get your body back soon!
    * It truly gets better and better with every passing day.
    *Go with your gut but don't be afraid to ask questions.
    *Take it day by day.
    *Delivery may not go the way you planned. And that's ok!
    *Give yourself time to heal.
    *Breastfeeding may not go as planned, and that's ok!
    *You were born to do this. Trust yourself and your body.
  • Every mom and every baby are unique. Find the things that work best for your family and take every piece of advice with a grain of salt. Try to enjoy the time and not take the hard things too seriously.

    Congratulations and best wishes to you all!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Congratulations and best wishes as you welcome your sweet new baby! It is crazy how fast this first year goes by...one minute you are just trying to survive the newborn phase and then all the sudden your baby is not so much a baby anymore! I can't believe my baby will be a year old next week! The hardest thing for me to learn and I still struggle with as a second time mom is to make sure that you take a little time for yourself and take care of yourself. Best wishes to you all!
  • Congrats! I keep thinking back to last year and how I was counting down the days.

    While not every moment will be perfect, savor it all. It goes to quickly!

    Also, it may not feel like it, but I promise the newborn stage ends! And all of a sudden your baby is a little person doing the most amazing things and you'll wonder where you're baby went.

    Congratulations and best wishes to you all!
  • Congratulations! I guess the only advice I can give is to not be too hard on yourself. There is no such thing as a "supermom" and we all find ourselves crying when no one is watching. Your baby just needs warmth, food and you.

    March siggy challenge: Dream job = Playing with wolves


  • This is so sweet! Thank you!
  • This post has me shedding happy tears. Thank you so, so much for the kind words!
  • Thank you for all of the great advice mamas! xx
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