The time is quickly approaching, and may have already occurred for many of you, for your LO's to make their arrival. As we here at A14 are celebrating our babies' first birthdays, we wanted to congratulate A15 on all of your newest family additions with words of encouragement, love, and support, just as A13 did for us one year ago.
(Post your words of encouragement below! GIFS are totally acceptable! This is the link we will share with A15 in just a few days!!!!!!!)
Re: From Our Bump Family to Yours
Proud Mommy of Derek Michael
April 8, 2014 9lb 6oz 21 inches
* It truly gets better and better with every passing day.
*Go with your gut but don't be afraid to ask questions.
*Take it day by day.
*Delivery may not go the way you planned. And that's ok!
*Give yourself time to heal.
*Breastfeeding may not go as planned, and that's ok!
*You were born to do this. Trust yourself and your body.
Congratulations and best wishes to you all!
While not every moment will be perfect, savor it all. It goes to quickly!
Also, it may not feel like it, but I promise the newborn stage ends! And all of a sudden your baby is a little person doing the most amazing things and you'll wonder where you're baby went.
Congratulations and best wishes to you all!
March siggy challenge: Dream job = Playing with wolves