Hi everyone, DS will be 1 yr on April 10th, and he sleeps fairly well at night... but still wakes up either very early (like 5am) or once in the middle of the night (around 1-2am) with a SUPER heavy diaper if he hasn't peed through it. I feel like that's WHY he's waking, is because he's uncomfortable having such a full diaper. We tried the Pampers overnights and were not impressed, the Cruisers honestly fit better for night time. During the day, he's just in Target brand diapers, which I love. His bedtime is 7pm since I work and have to leave the house by 7am, and his last bottle of the night is 6 or even earlier. I'm struggling with making his last bottle of the day any earlier than I already do because I worry he'll wake up ridiculously thirsty or wake in the middle of the night wanting something. Any advice to help this?
Re: Peeing SO much at night!
If you're asking for a link from me, than here it is. If not disregard
That's an example of what I am talking about.