So I always said that the daycare teachers are essentially surrogate moms and I want my DD close to them. I accept this. However, yesterday her main teacher kissed her on the head while my husband was holding DD, and then today while I was holding DD the teacher kept stroking DD's hair. I said something to my husband and he didn't see the big deal. Maybe I'm just being petty bc I worry about all the time I have to spend away from DD. Do any others have these kind of experiences? How do you handle it?
Re: Daycare Teacher too Touchy?
I'm switching daycares and I hope C is loved as much as she is now!
BFP: 7/5/10 EDD: 3/13/11 Miscarriage 8/1/10 at 8 weeks
BFP: 10/30/10 EDD: 7/7/11 Born 7/11//11 7lb12oz, 20 in.
BFP: 7/30/13 EDD: 4/9/14 Born right on time on his due date! 8lb10oz, 21.5 in.
Awesome prophetic fortune cookie: Love is a present that can be given every single day you live
March siggy challenge: Dream job = Playing with wolves
I work on a pediatric floor as a nurse, and I had to really reign myself back from being too affectionate with some of the little ones. A lot of times parents will just leave and we have babies left alone, so I would often do my charting while holding a baby or even a 2 yr old. This was before I had my son, but the instinct to kiss their little heads or stroke their hair was so strong, I felt a little weird giving in to it, but I feel like it's a natural thing. But - with that being said, trust your gut. Does this daycare teacher do anything else that makes you uncomfortable? Do they seem "off"? If not, it could just be that motherly thing kicking in since we all want to cuddle little ones. And I totally understand how you feel about being away from her, I work full time and HATE it.