Background: After my LO was born, I had the baby blues REALLY bad. I tried desperately to breast feed for about 2 weeks, but he just wouldn't latch. We called in a Lactation Specialist and she brought a nipple shield, which helped, but my little guy still had to have formula to substitute what little I was producing. I took Fenugreek to try to produce more, but I just couldn't make enough. My dog got the nippe shield and tore holes in. So I pumped several times a day and gave it to LO with the formula through a bottle. I tried to get another nipple shield, but the hospital said they didn't know where I could get one retail.
About a week ago, a friend of mine told me that I could get another shield at the local Target. However, about the same time, I thought my milk was drying up so I stopped pumping. The last 24 hours my breasts seemed to have filled up again.
Question: Can I teach my little man how to breastfeed at three months old when he's been used to a bottle for so long now? Is it worth it? Should I just start pumping again?
Re: 3 month old, brand new to breastfeeding??