
Considering IVF

For almost 4 years my DH and I have been TTC with no luck at all. We have both been threw test and we have undiagnosed infertility.  Last Oct I started 3 cycles of IUI while on the dose of 125 follistim. The IUI did not work so now considering IVF.  I feel alone and all the pressure is on me.  My DH is amazing we don't fight or disagree, we do get fed up with life and how it seems unfair at times. I just wish I knew someone who could relate to me. It gets frustrating when friend s and family are there for support but some how it seems like they say all the wrong things. It is not there fault they have never had to deal and cope with a situation like this.  We are both every positive ppl and i know the next step is IVF I just feel like I need a minute to process everything. So I guess I'm wondering has anyone done a cycle of IVF and  how are you feeling. 

Re: Considering IVF

  • Everyone on this board has done or is doing IVF. I personally didn't find the cycles too hard physically at all. I thought it was kinds fun in a scientific sort of way seeing all the eggs I made etc on the ultrasounds and watching the hormones in the lab work. IVF is mostly emotionally taxing, at least if was for me because if took the doctors awhile to get things right for me. It's trial and error. After 4 years it's about that time for you. Hopefully you're one of the girls that if works for the very first fine :)
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I'm gearing up for my first IVF cycle. We meet with my RE on April 1. Best of luck to you!!
    **Losses Mentioned**
    Me 41, DH 38 
    TTC #1 since 9/2014 AMH 3.68, FSH 6.6
    IUI#1 12-02-2015 Letrozol, Gonal-F, Pregnyl, Acupuncture, BFP 12-17-2015 beta 1=72, beta 2=64, beta 3=10 MC 12-20-14 
    IUI#2 01-08-2015 Letrozol, Gonal-F, Pregnyl, Acupuncture, BFP 01-23-2015 beta 1=151, beta 2=450, beta 3=6524, beta 4= 29380 u/s at 7w5d baby with heartbeat measuring 6w2d. u/s 2-24 gestational sac only, beta 59400 MC 2-24-15 @ 8w6d D&C 2-27-15. Pathology results 47XX +20

    Diagnosis AMA and compound heterozygous MTHFR
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  • **bfp mentioned**

    przemosbabe. We did one round of IVF and I find that it didn't physically mess me up as much as others. I hyper-stimulated, and I'm not sure if it's the same for others *tmi warning*, but my ovaries got so large that I had trouble pooping for a few days before my ER! lol, THAT was something that nobody had mentioned before!! Once those eggs got retrieved, everything went back to normal quickly for me. I produced a monster amount of eggs and we had a monster amount fertilize. Due to my OHSS, I had to wait 6 months before we could do a frozen transfer. My FET was scheduled the day after my grandmother's funeral, so it was a very bittersweet time for us. 

    They transferred one embie and the 2WW was pretty awful. However, I was one of the lucky ones that had an embie stick on the first try. I'm currently 12 weeks pregnant, and the fetus looks fine. Because we have so many frozen embies leftover, it is quite possible that we may get our whole family from one round of IVF. But like I said, I was one of the EXTREMELY lucky ones. 

    I like to visit the infertility board to encourage newbies and cheer for the veterans. IVF isn't 100% successful, but for me, it wasn't too bad. I wish you the best of luck, and please don't hesitate to give me a shout if you have questions or need encouragement. 
  • myulamyula member
    **loss and BFP***

    Have done one fresh IVF w/ ICSI that ended in a chemical pregnancy and one FET that ended in a BFP (currently in progress). IVF and FET were not hard on me physically but the emotional roller coaster ride was extremely difficult. I ended up getting a therapist and went to a couple of support groups in person. 

    It is amazingly awful how people manage to always say the wrong things. I love my mother and sister dearly, but they never seem to know what to say...or at least they never seem to know what I want to hear. But their intentions are good and I have to just swallow it and press on. 
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