Babies on the Brain

when is it too early?

My DH and I are now around cycle 6 of ttc and I'm wondering if it would be too early to ask a doctor if anything is wrong? Before anyone says "it can take a healthy couple up to a year" I should probably add a little history. A couple years ago I had questionable cells removed from my cervix after going through several biopsies. The area in question was frozen off and I continued getting checked every 6mo until it was eventually deemed fine. My doctor at the time said it "shouldn't" affect future children but now that it's taking longer than I thought or hoped, I find myself wondering.
Has anyone experienced anything like this? Or am I really just over thinking it? Should I talk to a doctor or just keep trying to be patient?

Re: when is it too early?

  • bmo88bmo88 member
     How old are you? Are you charting? 

    I would still give it more time. If your doctor cleared it at the time as being fine, then that was medical advice (nothing on here will be). Testing can be costly and some doctors won't see you until you have been TTC for over a year or are over a certain age.
  • OK guys thank you! I'm only 26 I'm sure it's fine I just worry about it every time af comes to town. When the doc told me it was fine it was preceeded with a "probably" which is never assuring. I tried temping but I had a trip mid way through the month with family that we haven't told we are ttc. So I guess this month I will try again. It's so discouraging sometimes not to mention so many people I know have been announcing they are pregnant. Makes it worse.
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  • I had a LEEP procedure done to remove high grade cells on my cervix a few years ago. They told me the same, it probably won't have any effect on ttc. The only thing they did warn me about was a small possibility of having an incompetent cervix which can be held closed once your already pregnant. Seeing as you are out of thr being checked every 6 month mark and nobody has mentioned this I would say you are probably in the clear. It healed well! Charting your temps so you know that your ovulating, using OPKs as a precursor on when to BD and knowing your luteal phase length, when to test etc is very helpful! It takes the guessing out of if you hit the window and leaves you knowing you have done everything you can. Temping, I found to be beyond helpful and a little addicting! It's something small to focus on each day. I don't think that you have any reason to consult a Dr yet, keep trying! Chart, temp, OPKs! All the tools you can use. Good luck!
    Baby N-Born:10/29/15
    Our Angel: EDD: 05/11/17. MC at 6 weeks
    Baby #2- EDD: 07/18/17

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