October 2014 Moms

Breastfeeding, how many times in a day?

FTM. I ebf  my baby every three hours or on demand. Doesn't matter to me. Lately i feel like i'm not feeding her as often anymore. 
It seems like she is eating about 4 times a day, 5x at the most. She is definitely healthy in every possible way. She smiles always, laughs,
talks, strong head support etc. she is also a Big baby weighing over 17 pounds and just turned 5 months. So, that being said, i'm not concerned. 
I guess i'm just wondering if this is normal? and also wondering how many times a day you are feeding your lo? also, my little girl sleeps through the night. 
She sleeps 7:00PM to 7:00AM without feeding. Thanks in advance.

Re: Breastfeeding, how many times in a day?

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    My little one is very similar, sleeps 7-7 and feeds 5x a day.
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    My little boy has definitely been eating less often. Maybe about...4 times a day, from 8am to 8pm. He usually eats at least once during the night though, sometimes twice. He's making all sorts of fun sounds and has great head support.
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    I'm back at work, gone 9 hrs a day and she has about 4 bottles during that time. I nurse her a handful of times between 4-8pm because she also sleeps through the night. I nurse her to sleep at 8pm and I wake her up at 6:40am to nurse her before I go to work. On the weekends she tends to sleep 8:30pm-8am. I'd say as long as your LO is on track for weight, it's all good!!
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    Oh wow! I'm FTM and my LO eats whenever she can! She even sleep eats! I swear we still get up about 4 times between 11pm and 10am- sometimes more, very rarely less. I know I'm making enough and she's happy but my nips could use a break lol!
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    My LO is almost 6 months and also sleeps through the night. On weekends she generally eats about 5 times a day, but during the week it's 6...i nurse her when she gets up and before bed, and she gets 4 bottles at daycare. I've been wondering if she's eating too often...volume wise I think we're okay for breast milk, but I'm just not sure. Also how do we know when they are decreasing their intake when they start solids?? Am I supposed to start putting less in her bottles for day care? Sigh, I need a manual!
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    No need to decrease milk once solids start. Milk is still main nutrition. But also no need to increase milk as they get bigger assuming they are eating solids. Milk intake stays pretty steady up until one year.
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    My baby does the same. Eats every 3 hours 5 times a day. Sleeps from 6pm to 6am with no feedings. He naps 2-3 times a day and eats solids 3 times a day.
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