April 2014 Moms

Dads and bedtime

I'm just curious what your evenings are like. My husband does bath time and stories with us and warms the bottle for her night time formula bottle. Then I give her the bottle and sing songs while he does other stuff around the house. Do you guys trade off putting the baby to bed or do you, as the mom, always put the baby down? My husband has only put her to bed if I'm gone for some reason. This always has worked for us. Just curious!

Re: Dads and bedtime

  • Dad helps out getting things ready but I put him to bed
  • I put both kids to bed and get them ready every night. Maybe once a month my husband will come in while we're doing bath or read our 3 year old a book, but that's about it. Evenings after work are not his most helpful time of day, I learned that long ago
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  • Dad helps out getting things ready but I put him to bed

    This. When I'm away DH does it no problem.
  • We trade off. 4 days of the week DH doesn't get out of work until after DD is asleep so I cover those nights and he puts her to bed on his 3 days off.

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  • DH does bath and puts her to bed just about every night. He says he likes doing it. Really nice for me to have 20 min to clean up dinner so we can both relx a bit once she's asleep!
  • She still nurses at bedtime, so that's on me.

    He'll participate if both kids are in the tub and then take one to get lotion/pjs while I handle the other, then he manages LO1 while I get LO2 down. He does teeth brushing with LO1, then the 3 of us read a story together.
    *Married 10.10.08*
    TTC #1 9.09 - BFP#1:2.18.10= missed m/c, D&C 4.16
    BFP#2:10.22.10=Avelin born 7.2.11
    TTC#2: 2.13 - BFP#3: 7.25.13=Kelsey born 3.31.14
  • DH does bath time and we both tuck DS in.  If one of us is away then the other person handles it.
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  • We both do bath then we trade off giving her a bottle. I always sing to her before bed regardless of who gives her a bottle because I like to :-)
  • It's primarily me as I'm still nursing. He will occasionally do the bath thing if I ask but 99% of the time it's me.
  • All me, largely because we BF. I plan to continue that bedtime nursing session as long as LO wants to, so bedtime will probably be mine for a while yet. I like that time though, so no biggy. In the fall, I'll be working one evening a week, so DH will step in then if not before. I think he will actually like it too.
  • We both do the stuff to get her ready for bed. Then we rotate feeding her her bottle and the other starts to get stuff ready for the next day (make her food, prep our dinner for the next day, etc). We both like being a part of bedtime especially on days when we work and don't see her for that long.
  • We love doing most of the bedtime stuff together. I can't imagine missing out on something silly she does in the bathtub, and I'm sure my husband would agree. Thanks for the responses!
  • I give my son a bath while dh makes a bottle and cleans up dinner. I put him to bed, but I like bedtime being our thing.
  • I keep suggesting that I BF DD then he can put her to bed, and my DH always gets this wild look in his eye like I suggested he climb Mt Everest barefoot. He is so scared of it! But, he cleans the kitchen while I put her to bed,Mao can't complain too much!
  • My husband does bed time every night. I get the bottle ready, put on her pjs and he feeds her while I get her room ready. He has the magic touch for soothing her to sleep. However she will not go to bed if I don't read her a story before he takes her!

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