I am seriously considering a masters program - considering part time, but I need to get my head in the game. Anyone working and taking classes or just taking classes to further their career goals with a little one to think about? What are your best tips and advice?
Married 8/12
MC 4/15
BFP 10/10/16
Re: In school while pregnant or nursing?
I'm going to school online & the school I'm going to offers 9 week courses in addition to traditional 17 week classes. I find taking two 9 week courses at a time more manageable than taking 3-4 17 week classes. I guess it just depends on if your masters program is available online.
I finished my bachelors degree while pregnant and started my master's degree when DS was 3 weeks old. Fortunately, the women's center was next door to my main building and I was able to pump between classes/my office hours. School was much more flexible than any of my jobs have been and I lived close, so I was able to get up, nurse, go in for a few hours to study/take a class, go home and nurse, and go back to campus if I had to (DH had a flexible schedule too). I always left some pumped milk in the fridge for DH to feed, but DS didn't really like the bottle and just cluster fed at night. It got much easier when DS started eating solid food around 6 months.