April 2014 Moms

Cute things!

What cute things is your LO doing these days? Brag away :)

Re: Cute things!

  • When we say "Can I have a hug?" LO lays his head on our shoulder/chest. I melt every time. But now he knows he gets a big reaction, so he'll do it to anything. If I say "Can I have a hug?" while he's crawling, he'll flop his head on the floor. Maybe even cuter.
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  • Lo raises his hands when someone says "how big is Derek?" Now of anyone says the word big he shoots his arms up and smiles. It is hilarious. He also kisses all his toys. So cute!



    Proud Mommy of Derek Michael

    April 8, 2014 9lb 6oz 21 inches

  • I got nothing. I can't wait for hugs and kisses though!
  • LO says mom all the time. All morning while DH watches her while I get ready I hear him say "daddy" over and over. 9 times out of 10, her response is "mom." I feel a little bad for DH but I secretly love it.

    I have been working with her on giving kisses. She's only done it once but I'm dying for her to really learn that one!!!
  • sherks11 said:

    LO says mom all the time. All morning while DH watches her while I get ready I hear him say "daddy" over and over. 9 times out of 10, her response is "mom." I feel a little bad for DH but I secretly love it.

    I have been working with her on giving kisses. She's only done it once but I'm dying for her to really learn that one!!!

    DD is the opposite, she says daddy all the time and I keep trying to get her to say mama or mommy.

    March siggy challenge: Dream job = Playing with wolves


  • The snuggles! And he's always giving me zerberts on my shoulder and arm. And handing me his toys. Everything he does is soooo cute!
  • He'll say, "moo" when you ask how the cow goes. So cute!
  • DD loves to feed people. She gets a BIG smile on her face as she shoving her gooey hand in your mouth. She also reaches up when I ask if she wants a pick up. She gives high fives and smiles and laughs when you do a bunch in a row. We are working on clapping and kissing. I feel like I kiss her enough she should have it down by now! :)
  • Mine is starting to pull up on my legs while I cook and bury her head in the backs of my knees. I'm sure it will get annoying at one point, but right now it just makes me melt.
  • Sorry, Just a couple more :)

    This week she had started playing "catch"with her brother. He rolls her the ball, she picks it up and bounces it back and claps her hands and grins.

    She also has a few favorite books that she will find, and bring one over to me and crawl in my lap to have me read it to her. So cute. I'm hoping she loves books as much as her brother
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  • I also have a few to add after reading the other posts. DD claps her hands...sort of... she still doesn't do it right, but the way she does it is hilarious, and she is so proud of herself. As a few other people said, she has started handing me her toys lately too.

    March siggy challenge: Dream job = Playing with wolves


  • She waves her hand to say bye!
    When I come from work she crawl as soon as she hears the door.
    She claps her hands when she stands by her self.
  • I put toys on LO's head to be silly, and when they fall off he tries to put them back. And he tries to put them on my head too :)
  • Whenever I'm looking down say texting he will tilt his head around and in front of my face to try and look at my eyes and then when I look at him he smiles and giggles goshhh I love him
  • Caroline will drop things on purpose and say , "uh!" For uh oh. So funny!
  • DD will wave hi & bye, hand me toys, give me hugs. She LOVES putting 1 thing into something else- like blocks into a container or a small ball into a cup
    Lilypie - Eu0n
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    BFP: 8/5/13      EDD: 4/13/14     IT'S A GIRL!!!      
    AYLA BLAIR   3♥27♥14

  • My LO is big into "no" - I think we're in trouble! If he doesn't want something he says a drawn out "nah", shakes his head and does a gesture with his hands as if someone were out in baseball - all simultaneously. It's pretty cute.

    He is also handing us food and toys. Tonight he was having a snack with DH and I asked him what he was eating and he lifted a Cheerio to show me.

    He also is loving moving things from one container to another. He was getting really frustrated at dinner tonight. I finally figured out he wanted his little bowl, so I gave it to him and he proceeded to move all the little bits of food on his tray into the bowl. He was thrilled.

    It's crazy how much they've developed from a newborn blob.
  • Anders is waving, clapping, saying uh oh, and is NEVER still! When I lean in to kiss him on the lips, he sticks his tongue out and licks me. He thinks it is hilarious! Either he is a little comedian or the dog is doing too much parenting!
  • DD will wave hi & bye, hand me toys, give me hugs. She LOVES putting 1 thing into something else- like blocks into a container or a small ball into a cup

    My LO loves putting things into other things too! He had a ton of fun today filling an empty tissue box.
  • LO finally waved when I left for work this morning. It was awesome and I hope this means he will start waving more consistently. Any of these things that indicate that communication is really happening are so fun!

    He is also loving the moving things from one container to another. He must have spent close to an hour emptying and refilling a toy bin yesterday. Or maybe it just felt that way. Ha!
  • LO has started requesting "Itsy Bitsy Spider" by putting his hands together to make the spider. Of course I find it adorable and sing it right away.

    He has also started "singing". If I ask him to sing, he moves his head a la Stevie Wonder and starts quasi singing "aaahhh".

    This might be the best stage... Every thing they do right now seems amazing.
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