Hi! My husband and I have been together for five years, married for two in June. We are both still young (he is 25 and I am 23), but we have decided we are ready to start trying to expand our family of two in June or July. Despite our young age we are very financially stable and emotionally we know we are ready to support a child (and excited to!).
But despite the fact that we are ready and have been discussing this for quite some time... I still feel nervous. Can anyone else relate?
Re: New here! Anyone else experienced this...
We just bought a house in November and have no debt except the house and one pickup. He owns his own business and I am a school teacher. We are thinking about starting TTC in the next 2-3 months.
Even though we are ready, it is scary! I think if you aren't nervous, you aren't thinking it through completely. It's a huge decision and completely normal to be nervous about this monumental decision!
Married 6.22.13
Hoping for a Herd Linky
12/15--IF testing
3/16--Dx Unexplained IF
Clomid + Ovidrel + IUI + Progesterone cycle
Cancelled due to cysts. Started 3 weeks of BCP.
4/16--Cute Ute! Clomid+Ovidrel+IUI+Progesterone TI.
Cancelled-no response
5/16--Hemmorhagic cyst and other cyst discovered.
No medicated cycle. MRI scheduled to rule out
septate uterus.
6/16--Septum discovered. Consultation for surgery.
Surprise BFP 6/8/16--EDD 2/13/17
Kole David--1.7.17--Tiny but Mighty, born at 34+5 after HELLP syndrome
Chart Stalk Me
I think it is completely normal to feel nervous. Having a baby, especially the first time, can have a wide range of emotions. I'm sure you've heard few friends or family members say that no one is ever truly "ready" to have a baby. While it sounds cliche, I found it to be true, having my first in 2012. The best thing to do is embrace the emotions and have constant discussions about your feelings with your husband and any other close friend or family member you plan on sharing this with, if you choose to do so.
Good luck! And don't fret!
Married - 10/10/2009
DS - Due 11/3/2012 born 9/28/2012 due to Severe Preeclampsia and HELLP Syndrome
DD - EDD 12/30/15
"I have learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." Maya Angelou|| [url=http;//www.fertilityfriend.com]Ovulation Chart[/url|| <a href="http://www.fertilityfriend.com" style="font-size:smaller;" >Ovulation Chart</
His biggest fear right now is how to divide his time between work, coaching, his marriage, and a baby. My biggest fear is a change in our finances. H and I are financially prepared but the majority of our income we use for extra saving will go towards a baby instead. We have budgeted and prepared for it but I still worry.
I believe it would be odd for us not to have at least one major concern. Having a baby changes everything. H and I are scared but we are also excited and deep down believe that we are ready. Good luck!
Love: March 2010 Marriage: July 2013 Debt Free: October 2014 TTC: April 2015
Oscar born November 20, 2016 at 35w6d
Diagnosed with PCOS: Summer 2007
Married: July 2013
Began TTC: June 2015
Me: 32 DH: 35 Married 10/4/14
TTC #1 May 2015 BFP: July 21, 2015 Stillborn January 8, 2016
TTC #2 April 2016 BFP: June 17, 2016
Baby Girl Shih-Tzu and Baby Boy Boston are my furbabies
Good luck!
"Thought gives substance to reality."
"But an accurate definition of the self is impossible. You are more than you realize, more than you can define. And the more time you spend trying to nail down the definition, the less time you spend living right now. Your past is not your identity...you, living now, is your identity."
Met 9/2001
Anyway, I got a job offer that I accepted, so we postponed TTC back to our original timeline. I didn't want to be pregnant with a new job. But I was actually relieved to push it off one more year, because after the initial "OMG we're doing this!! Eeeee" wore off, the realization if "OMG.....we are really doing this" set in, and I began to freak out. I was laying in bed one night and thought "where will I put a high chair in my kitchen?" I couldn't imagine having a high chair or other baby things....but now.....now I am counting down the days until August when we will start TTC. I am so excited and think about babies constantly. Now I can't wait to put a high chair in my kitchen! Haha! But I do still feel a little nervous, because it is a big change! I think it is totally normal to feel nervous or scared or have doubts, but I think that just means you already care so much for your future child. You'll be a great parent!