I'm 20 weeks along and left the BD at about 6 weeks due to him cheating and just overall not respecting me at all. I have done hours and hours of research on what the best way to parent is when the parents are separated right from birth and what kind of custody arrangement works best as well. I have been more than open to keeping him informed, in the loop, I have been asking him for three months now to try to settle our custody arrangement. I want sole custody but I still want us to co parent. I want us to have that parenting relationship so our son can see his parents be in the same room and have healthy, positive, hand offs and be able to communicate openly about his time spent with each parent. The only problem is that my ex wants absolutely nothing to do with that, he wants to be in the picture ( he even started off by asking for 50/50 physical of the newborn ) he just wants to parent separately from me. Which terrifies me as a mother. Are all the routines that I'm going to work to put in place be obliterated when he spends time at dads?
I've offered him reasonable access to visits at my house for the first six months where he can come bond with him, learn to diaper and feed and bathe him and really build the relationship with his son but in a safe environment. He's not really a responsible person, no drivers license, has never filed taxes, has no idea how to take care of himself, has a substance abuse problem and has absolutely zero idea about infants let alone children. So I do have concerns about my son going off with him unsupervised.
I think what I've offered him is more than fair, as I've stated all along, my number one goal is for my son to know his father and to have a relationship with him but in an environment where I know my son will be safe and properly taken care of.
So now the father ignores my texts if the conversation has anything to do with this custody agreement, he has cancelled mediation that I've scheduled (with his consent) twice. I understand he wants to be involved but his idea of parenting him is taking him away from me and doing his own thing which I full heartedly don't believe is in the best interest of my son, I believe he needs consistency and for parents to be on the same page and communicate openly.
I have an appointment with a lawyer for next Friday as I don't know what else I can do.. legally if I don't have custody established then his father gets 50% of the legal rights to make all the major decisions. And 95% of the time his decision is contrary to mine based solely on the fact that it was proposed by me. That is my motive for seeking full custody, I believe one of us has to have the final say or else we will be back in court every month over one issue or another.
Does anyone have any advice or any parenting plans that worked with them and their BD? Any way I can try to make him see that co-parenting is going to be better in the long run for our son? Or even just anyone who's been in a similar situation?
Me: 24 years old
2011 dx: adeno carcinoma of the cervix, cone biopsy to remove tumor
2011-2014: follow ups with gyn/onc every four months
Feb 2014: told to consider pregnancy "sooner than later"
April 2014: start process for IUI with Ottawa Fertility Clinic, HSG all clear
May 2014: blood work, all good
June 2014: IUI #1, BFP, c/p
July 2014: IUI #2, reaction to hormone in donor sperm, essentially body rejects IUI, bfn
Nov 2014: Surprise BFP with new b/f
Dec 2014: ultrasound at 6w5d, got to see my little one's heartbeat at 120bpm
Jan 2015: 12w ultrasound, measuring well, perfect heartbeat
Feb 2015: emergency lap coly
Feb 2015: It's a boy!
EDD: July 30, 2015
Re: Custody - Advice from BTDT moms?
"I've offered him reasonable access to visits at my house for the first six months where he can come bond with him, learn to diaper and feed and bathe him and really build the relationship with his son but in a safe environment. He's not really a responsible person, no drivers license, has never filed taxes, has no idea how to take care of himself, has a substance abuse problem and has absolutely zero idea about infants let alone children. So I do have concerns about my son going off with him unsupervised. "
This is all I needed to hear. What is he doing about his substance abuse problem? Until he has that under control and continues working to stay clean there is no way in hell I'd let him take my child on his own. I would fight for supervised visitation and FULL LEGAL AND PHYSICAL custody.
DD's biodad also has a substance abuse problem (alchohol) as well as being a manipulative d-bag stalker who will use DD as an excuse all day long to try getting me back. Hell to the no. He's currently in prison for violating his probation (for felony DUI) by continuing to drink, drive with no license, and stalk us when we have a court ordered no contact order, meaning NO contact including no 3rd party contact. He was ordered to pay child support and had his attorney dodge and weave until he went to prison...so I've not seen a dime from him and I filed when my now 2 year old was barely a week old.
You have to think about what's best for your child, not your child's father. Is he really the type of role model you want your son seeing? Your son will grow up thinking the way daddy acts/treats people is normal and okay, and your son will probably act/treat people just like daddy does.
DD born 1/24/16
TTC #2 - Jun 2017
BFP on 8/24/17
BD and I had been together for over three years (married for about 7 months) before we decided to try for a baby. I thought he was fully devoted to his family life. After our daughter was born, though, things changed. He withdrew from us. When he was at home, he was a very unpleasant person to be around. Our financial situation sucked, and we ended up moving in with my parents. He lived there with us for only six weeks, before my dad asked him to leave- because he had brought drugs into the house! Eight months later, after a lot of other crappy things BD did to me, I decided to seek divorce. I am just now starting the process and meeting with a lawyer, so I can't say legally yet what's going to happen. BD, however, talks a lot of talk and never follows through.
Your BD sounds a lot like mine. Mine has a substance abuse problem, can barely hold down a part time job, and was emotionally abusive to me. When we decided to get divorced, he agreed that I would have full custody. All he wanted was visitation, some holidays. He tells me all the time how he plans to come take DD for walks when he gets off work early enough in the spring/summer. (He doesn't drive, either.) So far, he's only taken her on one of these walks like twice. His visitation is usually only one day a week for about three hours max. I don't think I ever have to worry about him asking to take her overnight. He's considered an "absentee" father.
So, while in a perfect world, I'd love for him to actually co-parent, it's better for us if he doesn't. In your case, you may not even have to worry about your BD following through with what he says he's going to do. Don't know if that helps or not. I really don't mean to make you feel bad. Personally, DD is better with minimal contact with her father.