
Water broke 31.5 weeks???

Ok so! I started leaking waters tonight.. Wasn't one huge gush but it came out enough that I knew it wasn't discharge and it kept coming every 10 or so minutes. I'm in the hospital now and everything is fine but I'm on hospital bed rest until my twins arrive. Which will hopefully be several weeks from now! Any ladies have anything similar happen to them? How long were you able to keep babies in after waters broke?
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Re: Water broke 31.5 weeks???

  • Hope those babes stay in there. Thinking of you
  • I have no advice but wanted to say good luck! Prayers for you and your babies!
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  • cookiesmaccookiesmac member
    edited March 2015
    sending u positive vibes - I wish I had advice, but I'm a FTM with 30wks/Di-Di boys
  • No advice but wanted to wish you the best!
    Me 35, DH 36
    TTC summer 2008
    Diagnose me. DOR, DH perfect
    IUI # 1 6/2010, BFN
    IUI # 2 8/2010, BFN
    IVF # 1 10/2010 Canceled poor response
    IVF 1.2 12/2010 BFP! mc 6 weeks 2 days
    Mental health break for 10 months
    IVF # 2 10/2011 BFN
    IVF # 3 5/2012 BFP! 10 eggs retrieved (best ever)
    7 fertilized transferred 3
    Beta #1 14dpo - 72, Beta #2 17dpo 145 Beta 3 20dpo 521
    First u/s June 15 saw HB 126 bpm missed m/c 7/5/12 10 weeks D&C 7/6/12
    IVF#4 ER 9/30 ET 10/3 Beta 10/16 BFFN. IVF #5 final with o/e. ER 1/21 only 1 retrieved, hoping my lonestar is the one. Beta #1 2/6/13 = 209.... please let this be it! Keep growing lonestar! Beta #2 2/8/13 - 586! , Beta #3 2/10/13 = 1898. First u/s perfect little heart beat at 116 bpm. Measure 6 weeks 1 day. EDD 10/14/13
    3/4/13 measuring right on track beautiful heartbeat 171 bpm, graduated from RE to OB... bittersweet.
    PAIF/SAIF always welcome! Its a girl! 

    Maggie Grace is here!  10/5/13... 8lbs 6 ounces of pure joy!

    TTC#2  No birth control since DD was born.  Getting ready to jump back in the saddle.  Weaning this month. RE
    appt scheduled 5/8.   Here we go again!

    IFV# 6.  10/27  6 retrieved 4 mature 3 fertilized.  2 made it to 3dt 10/30. 1"very pretty 8 cell" and 1 6 cell.  Beta
    11/13.   Please stick embies!!!!  We love you so much already! 11/12/14  POAS, BFP... beta tomorrow!
    11/13 beta #1  924!!!  2nd bet 11/15 1906, one more on 11/17 3rd & final beta 3430.  First u/s 12/5, 7w4d, 2 heartbeats,
    both measuring right on track....2nd u/s... all is well... both beans measuring right on track... released from RE... first
    appointment with MFM 1/5.  Looks like this is really happening!


  • Ruptured sac! Most likely baby B. I'm on strict hospital bed rest now for the rest of my pregnancy. Fluids were checked yesterday though and despite how much fluid I have lost.. Fluids are still in range! Probably because I am producing excess fluid due to GD. Funny how things work out? They put me on the mag drip which finished this morning and now are just monitoring me for infection, fever and blood sugar levels! Had a lot of nausea today coming off of the drip :(. Out of delivery room though and back in high risk room. And getting slightly more rest! I still get checked on every two hours though so it's tough! Babies are still in my belly though! I will try and keep you all posted!
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  • Continuing to send you positive vibes!
  • Thanks for the update! Glad things are ok so far :)
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  • Look for the announcement post but my twins were born this past Tuesday at 31.5 weeks. :). Hospital bedrest only kept them in a couple extra days but they are doing great!!!
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