September 2015 Moms

SO ex request on Facebook?

Seriously annoyed me. Should it though? Would it bother any of you?

Re: SO ex request on Facebook?

  • MiromiMMiromiM member
    edited March 2015
    I think it depends on their relationship history, how long it went on, and how it ended. My DH is good friends with a few of his exes from a few years before we met. They live states away and ended on good terms (one did a study abroad and they didn't feel like getting back together).
    *Siggy Warning*


    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Yeah I think it really just depends on the history.  Me & my husband are each FB friends with some of our exes....but the ones that ended really messy, or where feelings would maybe still exist if rekindled....yeah that would bug anyone I think haha
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  • They were together 7 years, engaged, & have a child together. She cheated on him & they split up. She also lives in another state & I probably wouldn't even care if she hasn't been such a pain all along. Their son will be 14 in May & my SO no longer needs to talk to her regularly because he has a phone. But she will jump in randomly when they face time, show up at the hotel when my SO picks up his son, sent their engagement announcement "by accident" in a photo album of baby pics. I don't know she just bugs me!
  • She is also married & has a child with her current husband but my stepson accidentally spilled the beans about their unhappy marriage last summer.
  • @MiromiM & @Nessy430 thank you for your input.
  • yeah she sounds annoying! I actually just got hubby to unfriend one of his exes today. we're trying to clean up our friends lists before we get into posting too much baby stuff, and this chick was only still around to stalk him. he doesn't have kids with her, she cheated on him, he never talks to her but never got around to deleting her.

    with all the baby pics that will be going up in a few months, I don't think we need people on our facebooks that aren't there for good reasons, ya know?
  • She is so annoying lol. I only named just a few reasons why but there is much more. I think it's the only reason it bothers me. SO does not want to accept the request and seems just as confused as I do about it. I think maybe she wants to pry after finding out I'm pregnant. She's been beating a dead horse though since it's been 8 years for SO and I and this is our second child lol. Only reason I can think she would try to add him.
  • Yeah that makes sense I'm sure she just wants to be stalk you guys especially with you being preggo haha
  • Thats crazy my DH ex girlfriend friended me of fb i declined it at first then she sent another months later and since her and I have some of the same friends i accepted. I dont have anything against her personally my DH cant stand her but again we have some if the same friends so i figured to make the best of the situation. It ended up being just fine. Years later i deleted fb because i didn't really get on it anymore.
  • I wouldn't accept it and it would definitely annoy the crap out of me!! I know how some women can be and I would've fixed that problem REAL quick! My SO ex was pregnant with his child and lost the baby and he worked on the road on oil rigs so he wasn't home much well she never told him she lost the baby and pretended this whole situation out. My in laws told me how crazy she was... ANYWHO he still gets random texts from her saying stuff like I had a dream about you or stuff like maybe one day you'll respond.

    Enough about me though... I think it's great that you guys are civil for his sons sake but I don't think they need to be Facebook friends because it has nothing to do with parenting.
  • I wouldn't accept. If his son is 14, and he doesn't need to go through her for everything, then it's just as well you guys keep some distance. She can't be randomly asking with great intentions. Probably wants to stalk your pregnancy.
    BabyFruit Ticker

  • Thank you everyone! My SO ended up deactivating his Facebook because he RARELY uses it anyway. That way he doesn't have to worry. I left it up to him because I know he has no control over her amount of crazy haha. And we agree that her intentions were probably not anything other than being nosey. Situation solved... Ready for the next thing bish!
  • @haileyd1209 I've stomped many of her "problems" real quick lol. She strongly dislikes me. The feeling is mutual.
  • It depends a lot. my husband had an ex in high school that he dated for 3 years. She was disgusting and constantly cheating but they remained good friends. I was fine with him communicating with her as long as he knew his boundaries. Fortunately she didn't. When I was pregnant with my son she called him "Montez" which was a name they choose for their child (if they ever had one), then she said "I still love you, I will always love, I still want to be your wife, I'd kill to just feel your touch one more time" let me tell you, I shut that down real quick and he ended communication with her. Then a month later she sent him song lyrics that he sang to her. She is psycho, my husband blocked her.
  • Nope I feel like there is no need to be friends with an ex on FB, especially in this situation. She just wants to be nosey, it would make me feel uncomfortable
  • I don't know that's hard. I would be slightly annoyed too. There really seems like no reason they need to be Facebook friends. But I think Facebook is pretty harmless. It's not like they are spending any time together. What's the worst that can happen? She will see photos of you together and see things about your pregnancy and baby. She will see how happy you are. But then again, if she bugs you then why even give her more opportunities to annoy you? Haha.

    Pregnancy Ticker Anniversary
  • @quincysmommy some chicks just can't take rejection. I'm happy my SO agrees with me on this though. It would've sucked if he accepted it thinking all was good. I would've felt disrespected. Again, only because she has been such an annoying jerk lol. Our lives are NONE of her business. =;
  • DH and I have a strict no-ex's rule. We both feel like there's a reason they are called ex's. But his last ex stalked him for a few years after we started dating so no way in hell do I want her to know anything about us or see pics of the baby.
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