Okay, I need to give a good, non-scripted sounding reason to DH for not buying whole milk anymore but I need him to buy the healthy excuse somehow. And also, we go through 4-5 gallons of whole milk a week. If the rest of our diet is rather low fat and with lots of fruits and veggies, juice, water, etc, then is whole milk okay enough or should I really switch down to 2%. I actually have no taste issues with 2% but DH does....he's the problem.
Hi! I am here to help. Whole milk is very high in saturated fat and calories. Adults and most children do not need this much saturated fat and calories. Saturated fat increases bad (LDL) cholesterol levels which can lead to heart disease and heart attack. It is also much more high in calories (because of the fat) than the other milks and as we get older our metabolism slows down and it is easier to gain wait.
Has he had his cholesterol checked lately? He might be fine, but if it is elevated it would help your case. Does he have a healthy weight. Since he is a man he might still have have a healthy weight at this young age- darn men and their great metabolism.
Anyway, I hope this helps and yes we should get together. The kids could play too!
He weighs a little more than he should but not a horribly unhealthy overweight. His cholesterol has been a little higher than usual so I can definitely use that against him. How do I get around the plus two of sugar though? I know it is a natural component of milk so if it is not added then how do I explain it to him. He'll say 12 grams is 12 grams no matter how you slice it...so how do I explain the 14 grams? Is it more work to burn fat and less to burn the sugar, whether more is added or not? Regardless, less cholesterol is less cholesterol.
I've been telling him for years we need to watch ourselves and make a decision to want to eat better rather than have health problems that make us eat healthier.
You can explain that all sugars are not the same. The sugar on the food label is confusing because it doesn't differentiate between added sugar (like white sugar) and naturally occurring sugar like lactose (milk sugar) and fructose (sugar in fruit). Lactose is a not a simple sugar like white sugar and it isn't metabolized the same. It doesn't spike the blood sugar as fast (which can lead to weight gain if too many calories are eaten). And since milk is a great source of protein the effect of the lactose is reduced. Protein and fat help decrease the glucose spike. That is why people with diabetes have to watch how much sugar they have in one sitting and they are encouraged to have protein or a little fat with their carb intake.
Believe me, I was once on a low carb kick when I was trying to be "ripped" but I learned that sugar in moderation isn't a deal breaker. Low fat milk is a fantastic food with a good mix of protein and nutrients. No reason to sweat the lactose. I hope this helps. I know men can be stubborn. You are doing the right thing for you family. Prevention is key!
Saturdays are usaully good for me too. We are a bit bonkers now trying (nesting big time) to get Annabelle's big girl room ready and cleaning out the house, but I would love to get together sometime!
Very good! Thank you so much!
I can help you clean and organize if you want. I enjoy it and am very good at it.