November 2015 Moms

Show me those ultrasound pics!


Re: Show me those ultrasound pics!

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    Had my first official dating ultrasound my sch is gone thank god I'm 8ws 3 days today. Apparently I suck at having a full bladder but was able to see the baby and hear the heartbeat which was very strong 168BPM. My bf was working so my gf got to come in with me and I cant wait to put the pic in my moms birthday card at the end of this month :-) Official due date is Nov,20,2015 
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    10weeks 5 days
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    9 weeks today! 168 BPM. Unfortunately the US tech discovered a fibroid on my uterus so now we get to watch it regularly. At least my doctor told me it would most likely make me measure even bigger as I get farther along in my pregnancy. Just what I be bigger
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    10 week ultrasound. Hear baby's heartbeat 150bpm and everyone says its a girl but according to Ramzi it will be a boy because doctor said baby is on my right. Crazy lil peanut is hanging out upside down lol
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    10 w 3 d today! With a hb of 167 So happy to have made it this far! Baby's arms and feet were wiggling
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    Transvaginal - 8 Weeks  Any Guesses?
    BABY.JPG 113.5K
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    I went in yesterday for another appointment and they told me since I already had an US there's no need to have another one until 20 weeks even tho I was told I would have another one so I could see my baby! So I have taken it upon myself to find a place that does elective scans purely to make the parents happy! So I will drive 3 hours to Louisiana in 5 weeks to see our cotton ball :). Anyone else hate their hospital or am I alone here?!

    I was told the same by my doctor. The reason that my doctor gave me is that most insurance will only cover "medically necessary" U/S so you would have to pay out of pocket for all other unless you were high risk and doctor needed them done for one reason or another. I had an U/S at 8wks to hear and see heart and will not have another until my 20w anatomy scan. I will be going to get an U/S at 17w at a 3D ultrasound office only because we want to find out the gender while my in laws are in before they leave for a month. 
    Married: 6.28.14
    TTC #1: 2.1.15
    BFP: 2.23.15 EDD: 11.6.15  

        Pregnancy Ticker
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    For those of you with your names showing on the pics, I really recommend you crop that out and re-post. Internet safety, there have been some incidents on TB in the past.
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    8 weeks 3 days :) heartbeat in the 150's
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    Had my first ultrasound today! 11 weeks and one day. Can't wait to get a more detailed one on Tuesday.
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    was anyone else told they had a titled uterus? dr didnt seem concerned, but i have no experience, as this is my 1st viable pregnancy 
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    Had our first appointment today at 9 weeks 3 days, everything looked great! 
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    was anyone else told they had a titled uterus? dr didnt seem concerned, but i have no experience, as this is my 1st viable pregnancy 

    With my last pregnancy I was told that I have a tilted uterus. Once the baby got bigger my uterus filled and stood upright for the rest of the pregnancy. I had a very easy/speedy delivery with no complications:)
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    @kmichell24 I have a very tilted uterus and the only thing that it caused me during labor is that the baby would go from the top of my belly to pretty much just falling out of me and me trying to hold them in waiting for my dr to get in there! No complications..although it is apparently a bit more painful when they "check" your uterus for dilation in the last several weeks and during labor because they have to reach up extra far and put more pressure because it is facing backwards...every doctor that feels it says something about "oh wow, your uterus is so tilted" or whatnot...thanks????
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    Our little butterball.... My husband was a weepy proud dad :) Due date got pushed back by 6 days now due 11/12/15
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    I'm so jealous of all of you. I went in for my first appointment at around 7-8 weeks and the midwife looked at me like I was crazy when I mentioned an ultrasound. And she didn't even listen for the heartbeat. She said it was too early to hear it. I was a little pissed. Going back in a few weeks and I want a picture. I would love to know how many are in there and if everything looks ok.
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    My doctors office is awesome. Scan every 4 weeks til 28 weeks. Scan every 2 weeks til 38 weeks. Then a scan a week til the baby is born.
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    was anyone else told they had a titled uterus? dr didnt seem concerned, but i have no experience, as this is my 1st viable pregnancy 

    My mom has one, never was an issue for her except one nurse went inside without wxpecting it and hurt her. But otherwise she had great deliveries :)
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    Thanks for all of the feedback @lcope1 @justdoit93 @poupoule I spoke with my mom tonight who also had same. All really helpful to hear!
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    We are 11 weeks pregnant today!! I was excited to see little hands and feet!! Mom and Dad are already in love with baby number two!
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    Here's mine from Wednesday at 8weeks 6 days! Saw and heard the heartbeat at 173! Due around November 20!
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    7 weeks 4 days!!
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    Here is our 2nd US. We are so excited!
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    NT scan was today - I'm 11w 2d measuring 11w 5d with a 150 heart rate. Baby was waving its arms and legs and bouncing like it was on a trampoline!! Can't believe all that activity is going on inside me!

    NT measurement was great - the largest one they got was 1.3mm. :)
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    Nuchal testing at 12w2d HR 173
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    smnewby said:

    Nuchal testing at 12w2d HR 173

    In the first pic, it looks like your little one is sucking it's thumb! So cute.
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    He/she was! It was adorable on the monitor.
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    urby87urby87 member
    edited May 2015
    Big (half) brother with our ten week ultrasound. :)
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    I'm 9 weeks today and I'm jealous I don't get my first ultrasound until may 13th!
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    I was 7 weeks 2 days when I got my first ultrasound and the heartbeat was 154! I'm now 10 weeks today and the heartbeat is 167-169. I'm hoping for a girl!
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    US at 9w4d.  I literally squealed when I saw our tiny baby on the monitor!  Coolest. Thing. Ever.  
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    My perfect little peanut <3 10 weeks today!
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    11 weeks 4 days
    This little feet! To cute!
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    8 weeks 4 days yesterday - hb 174 and lookin good!
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    I got to see my little bean after I complained of pain in my left side which was intermittent.. Dr got me in to make sure everything was okay. Baby measured a few days back but she said to not worry! :)
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    My bambino now 12 weeks and 3 days due 1st November :)
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