We didn't hear heartbeat yesterday (I am 12weeks 4days). Doc says its bc I have a tilted uterus and not to worry. We have a nuchal scheduled Monday so we should get to hear it then. Anyone else have these issues?
I get told that every single time. It's not a big deal and it won't make pregnancy or delivery any more complicated than a non-tilted uterus. Once baby is a little bigger, it'll be much easier to hear the heartbeat. As long as your doc isn't worried, I'm sure your baby is just fine.
I have a tilted uterus too. First appointment we did not hear the heartbeat but my doctor wasn't worried. Next appointment isn't until next week so I'm not sure what she'll do if we don't hear the hb.
Yes my doctor did mention this to me. She was able to find the heartbeat but she searched for quite a while. She said if she hadn't heard it she wouldn't worry because of the tilt. I'm sorry, I know it's probably frustrating and nerve racking to not hear it. Just think, soon enough that little one will be squirming everywhere and you will be able to feel it! We will be there soon enough. Hang in.
I had one with my first and it straightened itself out. So weird!
Same here! Tilted with first, not tilted this time, it corrected itself during my first pregnancy. Only thing I've noticed with it not being tilted is that sex isn't painful anymore.
Re: Tilted Uterus
I'm sorry, I know it's probably frustrating and nerve racking to not hear it. Just think, soon enough that little one will be squirming everywhere and you will be able to feel it! We will be there soon enough. Hang in.