We are catholic and don't eat meat on Fridays during lent. So far, we have done a lot of fish sticks and cheese pizza. Looking for any other ideas that are non-meat meals. By the time Friday comes, I am exhausted and don't have much energy to put into making dinner. Anyone else in the same boat? Or anyone who has a non-meat meal to suggest? I have a toddler, who is a fairly good eater but someone I need to keep in mind when meal planning.
Re: Lent non-meat quick meals
grilled cheese (with different types of cheese - love smoky chipotle) and tomato soup
cheese tortellini with alfredo sauce, steamed broccoli and garlic toast/sticks
baked mac and cheese
we are not big on fish/seafood
ALso there are lots of mexican bakes you can make without mean/use black beans instead.
TTC #1 since 2007. Dx: Unexplained infertility. 4 IUIs in 2008 = BFN. IVF #1 07/09. DD #1 born April 2010 (40w5d).
TTC #2 since 2011. Dx: Endometriosis and hypothyroidism. 2 FETs in 2012, BFP 6/12 but m/c @ 7 weeks. IVF #2 06/13. DD #2 born March 2014 (40w1d).