September 2015 Moms

Anyone else suddenly obsessed with Orange Juice?

ElecinElecin member
edited March 2015 in September 2015 Moms
Before I got my BFP I can't remember the last time I had a glass of orange juice. I usually try to avoid drinking my calories if I can help it.  :)

I've been drinking about a half gallon a day.  And when I say drink I really mean GULP LIKE A HORSE!  There is no sipping like a human.  

I sure hope this doesn't turn out to be a bad thing.  It's just so delicious! :))

Re: Anyone else suddenly obsessed with Orange Juice?

  • Yes!!!!

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  • I thought it was just me :)
  • Oh yes! Even settled for orange Tampico today, which is NOT the same and so not healthy, but just the orange juice flavor mmmmm! Delicious
  • Yay! It's not just me!

    And Clementines. I eat a 5lb box a week! Shhhhh! LOL
  • Yes! It worries me because my mom said when she was pregnant with my older sister she craved citrus super intensely and ended up making herself sick on it, now her body has a pretty strong reaction against it.
  • Oh wow! Maybe I'll go back to not drinking it after I have the baby. That's so interesting to know, though. I've had quite a few strong cravings that I wonder, Will they be new food aversions once I give birth? Haha!
  • Oh most definitely. OJ and all the others also! Apple, grape, cranberry, and kool aid lol
  • D+RD+R member
    Yes! But one problem i have found, it makes me break out really bad on my chin and neck
  • Omg today I woke up wishing I had some orange juice I settled for a real orange i just sucked the juice out of it haha
  • kvilla4 said:

    Omg today I woke up wishing I had some orange juice I settled for a real orange i just sucked the juice out of it haha

    I do that on a daily basis haha

    It's soooooo good :-)

    Lemon and Lime pure juice is also a fave of mine ..... It's got that bite to it!
  • Yes! Especially the simply Orange with pineapple juice.. I can't get enough!

    SYDNEY(26) DH(27) MARRIED - 10.9.09

    DS RHETT 2.12.12

    TENLEY REESE DUE 9.5.15 

  • Me too!! Can't get enough.of the stuff!!
  • I could have written this post myself.  How odd we are all drinking orange juice.  I didn't with my other two at all.

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  • Just woke up & now OJ sounds so good! I had some at McDonald's yesterday, theirs is so good & smooth!
  • Yes, I also don't remember the last time I had OJ pre-pregnancy. It was my first craving.
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  • Yes! I hadn't drank orange juice in years because I didn't want the calories and now there is no control, I can't get enough.
  • GeorgiaDottieGeorgiaDottie member
    edited March 2015
    I am def craving it as well and having a glass in the AM, but it is LOADED with Sugar!! I am drinking Tropicana 50 which is just as delicious as the full sugar versions :) Per my RE Too much sugar can lead to gestational diabetes or other health problems so just be extra careful with your intake! Only healthy mamas here!

    (Edited for spelling!)

    33 years old, Married Oct '11,

    Summer '14: Diagosed with hypothryoidism, pollup, LPD, Low AMH, strong FSH.

    BFP: 1/22/15. EDD: 9/23/14. Rainbow baby!

  • sophjsophj member
    Oh my Heavens!!!! I went on a HUGE I LOVE OJ rant to my husband yesterday and even tried to look up why I'm so obsessed with it!!! Never before have I loved OJ this much. I love this post!
  • Love OJ! I have a glass every morning :)
  • Me!!! I also bought a bag of navel oranges, yummy!
  • This is the funniest thing ever!!!! I started with frozen clementines then graduated to full on orange juice! It was the only thing that settled my stomach. It's funny because my mom craved orange juice the whole time with me lol. I'm coming out of it but it still tastes delicious, even though I NEVER liked it pre-pregnancy!
  • I have had the same craving and my midwife said it was our bodies way of craving the vitamin c we need. I have never liked juice and did not crave it in my first two pregnancies. However, this baby is loving it!
  • I am def craving it as well and having a glass in the AM, but it is LOADED with Sugar!! I am drinking Tropicana 50 which is just as delicious as the full sugar versions :) Too much sugar will lead to gestational diabetes so just be extra careful with your intake! Only healthy mamas here!

    Watching sugar intake is never a bad idea but gestational diabetes is not caused by your diet. Its a result of your pancreas not being able to keep up with all the hormone changes caused by the placenta and it can't make enough insulin as a result. Diet obviously effects you once you HAVE gestational diabetes but it does not CAUSE it like in the case of type II diabetes. Just wanted to put that info out there since I know its a stressor for some women- if you're gonna get it, you're gonna get it. Not much you can do to change how your pancreas responds to pregnancy :-(

    And I'm craving orange juice too...Orange pineapple to be exact but I have to seriously limit it because it gives me crazy reflux and my throat already burns from all the puking :-/
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  • Every morning I have a small glass of Dole orange, pineapple and banana juice. It is perfection! Love clementines too.
  • I'm craving orange to but it have to be pre with no sugar added. And I'm like that with every juice. Fresh press only... is getting expensive but nothing is too expensive for baby's health.
  • Yes! I also found out I am having a girl so I wonder if that is connected to sweeter cravings :)
  • lol yes me too!! and bonus it has folic acid and some extra calcium!!!
  • The only time we have it in the house is when I'm pregnant. This is my second and just bought some the other day. I have the same issue with bacon when I'm pregnant.
  • YES! Just be careful with all the sugar
  • D+R said:

    Yes! But one problem i have found, it makes me break out really bad on my chin and neck

    Oh GOSH!  I haven't been drinking it long enough to see any adverse effects.  Fingers crossed!
  • kehags said:

    Just woke up & now OJ sounds so good! I had some at McDonald's yesterday, theirs is so good & smooth!

    Oh NO!  Don't tell me about a place I can just go into the drive through to get my OJ fix!  HAHA.
  • I am def craving it as well and having a glass in the AM, but it is LOADED with Sugar!! I am drinking Tropicana 50 which is just as delicious as the full sugar versions :) Too much sugar will lead to gestational diabetes so just be extra careful with your intake! Only healthy mamas here!


    I am very concerned about this.  I have always been very conscious of my sugar intake and now that I feel like I have no control with the OJ I am balancing the other things I eat so that I'm not taking in much other sugar throughout the day.

  • Watching sugar intake is never a bad idea but gestational diabetes is not caused by your diet. Its a result of your pancreas not being able to keep up with all the hormone changes caused by the placenta and it can't make enough insulin as a result. Diet obviously effects you once you HAVE gestational diabetes but it does not CAUSE it like in the case of type II diabetes. Just wanted to put that info out there since I know its a stressor for some women- if you're gonna get it, you're gonna get it. Not much you can do to change how your pancreas responds to pregnancy :-(

    And I'm craving orange juice too...Orange pineapple to be exact but I have to seriously limit it because it gives me crazy reflux and my throat already burns from all the puking :-/
    Thank you for the reassurance!
  • I have never liked OJ but there is something about juice when I am pregnant. I love apple juice and V8 fusion. I water it down so I cut back on some of the sugar, but it is just so yummy.
  • iidojiidoj member
    Omg my mouth burns for it. I can't get enough orange juice. It was the same for my first too.
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  • I never would drink orange juice before Babe.

    And then I found out I was pregnant, and a couple of days later - from weeks 6-8 the only thing I wanted to drink every single day was Orange Juice!!

    It was cold, refreshing, and it would sit well in my stomach.

    So here's to the orange juice cravings!! May we enjoy every sip!

    Cheers, Mama.

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