Baby Names

NN for Elizabeth

What is your favorite nickname for Elizabeth? Husband likes the name but I tend to like shorter names so just wondering which nickname people like best. I don't know how to do a poll so just tell me which one you like. I'm open to all suggestions. thanks!

Re: NN for Elizabeth

  • I love Betty!!!
  • I knew an Elizabeth nn Beth and I always loved that
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  • I too love Beth and Betty. I also love Birdie, which is a bit quirkier.
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  • I went to school with a girl who went by Libby. Always thought it was super cute.
  • e1223e1223 member
    My sister is Elizabeth and tried out a lot over the years :) Lizzy of all the various spellings (best was Lizi with hearts over the i's), Eliza Jane (her mn is Jane), Beth, and ended up at Liz. Ellie is a pretty common nn for Elizabeth now. I have a niece who is just Elizabeth so far. The options are endless, which can be a good or bad thing depending on how you look at it :)
  • I love Libby. And Bess is uncommon and cute.
  • I love Libby! My #1 girl name right now is Elizabeth NN Libby. I think it's so cute and fresh. I also like Bess.
  • Thanks all! I like some of the less common ones since we know several Elizabeths who are either Beths or Liz. Husband already nixed Betty, Bette & Liza (he's so picky!). Maybe he'll agree to Libby. He didn't say no to Lizzy but I like Libby better. We already have an Ellie in the family. But if we do name her Elizabeth I can prob give her whatever NN I want, not like he can change her name after the fact! Hehe, we'll find something we both agree on. :)
  • Betsy and Birdie
  • Love Betsy and Libby the best also Beth is cute and under used for this generation.......we have an Elizabeth in the family and we call her Lizzy-Bethy often but away from home she is Beth. (A cute story is.....when she was 2years old and was learning to talk, she couldn't pronounce her name very well......she said, " Wissa-buts" well we still sometimes call her Whistle-butt)
  • Libby is my fave!
  • I'm an Elizabeth who has always gone by Libby.  My mom said she was concerned that I would grow up and think Libby was a kids name.  For me that has never been true.  Briefly in college I tried to go by Elizabeth but it was like trying to be a different person.  LIbby has always been good to me.
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  • I am Elizabeth and go by Liz. I also know Elizabeth's who are Betsy, Libby, Lizzy, Liza, Ellie...all cute choices!
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  • Liz, Lizzy, Libby
  • We plan to name our next Elizabeth nn Liesl


    No periods due to 17 years of ballet and distance running after college.  Zero response to 2 months of Clomid, little response to Letrozole.  IUI left with 9 cysts = too many viable eggs due to age.  On to IVF.  Low dose of all meds still produced 37 mature eggs 12.6.11.  Froze due to overstimulation.  

    FET #1.1 1.22.12 BFN.   FET #1.2 2.22.12=GRACE! (and a vanishing twin).  

    Grace Katherine born 10.25.12 @ 36w6w 6#14oz 19.5".
    FET #1.3 3.2013 BFN FET#1.4 4.2013 BFN. Never tried a fresh transfer.  Let's try, despite 10 still frozen.  
    ER 6.26.13 27 mature eggs, slight overstim. ET   7.1.13 ectopic, FET 2.1  9.10.14   TRIPLETS!!  

    Boys born 3.18.14 @ 29w5d.  Andrew Jack 3#6oz 16", Grant Robert 3#9oz 16", Charles Phillip 3#7oz 17".

  • I know a few Elizabeth's that go by Lizzy/Lizzie. I've also known one that went by Beth, and a Libby.

    Different name, but I also know an Elisabeth that goes by Elise.
  • I like Bess - a little old fashioned but most likely won't be Bess #4 for her whole life. Unlike Liz or Lizzie
  • I love love love Libby. I sometimes wish my parents had used Elizabeth as my first name instead of one of two middle names. Unfortunately it won't be used for a LO for us. I don't like the idea of naming a child after myself (even though it's a family name, sort of) and with a 16 letter, 3 syllable last name, long names are out.
  • I'm an Elizabeth that has always used my full name and love it. I have exactly one friend that calls me Liz. I've never liked the NN, but she's been around for so long it has stuck and isn't going anywhere! And I have an aunt that calls me Bessie. More of just a term of endearment than an actual NN. But it is a great name for NNs. Libby and Bess are my favorites.
  • ==N====N== member
    Liza or Beth.

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  • GSUDavisGSUDavis member
    edited March 2015
    I'm the 5 Elizabeth in my family. The nick names we have so far are:
    Betty, Lisa, Beth, Liza-Beth, and Lizzie =D

    Edited to add: I'm the Beth and my younger cousins call me Bess or Bosch (like the tools) because they can't prononce it at first. lol 
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