Pregnant after 35

rh negative

So I am rh negative and my husband is rh negative, so to my understanding our baby only can be rh negative. Well when I went to my doctor he said I still will need to get a rhogam shot.  I said why I don't need it, he said yes I do because 15% of the time babies come out and they are not their husbands. Well ok but I am 100% this baby is my husbands!! And I have issues with taking anything I don't need especially blood products like this rhogam shot ??


Re: rh negative

  • Surely you can refuse to have it? Especially as his only reason is, "baby might not be your husband's" which you know if there's a possibility of it not being or not.

    Perhaps your Dr. just wanted to make it clear that if there is any possibility of a different blood type being in the mix then you needed the shot, without directly asking you if the baby could be someone elses?

    Elizabeth 5yrs old Jane 3yrs old

  • A quick google search shows results that two parents who test rh negative can produce a baby who is rh positive:

    Based on this post and your previous post, am I assessing correctly that you aren't in the most comfortable doctor-patient relationship?  If so, have you considered changing your doctor?

    I generally trust my doctor and her colleagues and have been able to decline tests and shots without drama.  For me, it helps to go in to appointments having done some research of my own and decided on my preferences.  Sometimes the doctors just don't have enough time to spend on each appointment, which isn't necessarily fair but that's just how it is.
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  • Thanks - Wow that article about 2 rh- parents was interesting. If my doctor would have just said that it would make more sense. This doctor is my secondary doctor because im over 35 but I only see him 1 more time.  Otherwise I would switch.

  • Yikes!  I'm sorry your doctor said that to you!  I also try to avoid unnecessary tests, but I have no problem getting the Rhogam shot (tomorrow!) because it's non-invasive and has been shown to pose no risk to the baby.  Best wishes with your decision.
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  • Ok so I heard some woman get the shot only after giving birth and they check the babys blood if its positive which would be a very slim chance then I will get the shot. If its negative no need for it. If my husband was positive I would get it at 28 weeks, but he is negative. Thanks for the replys
  • I would find that highly offensive to have a dr make that statement.  I guess its their "kind" way of not putting women on the spot if the child is not the husband's...they wouldn't have to admit it and the husband would not wonder why their wife was needing the shot if it were standard just to do it. 
  • What a jerk. He could have told you so many other things (we make mistakes in tests, this is to be 100% safe, etc. etc.). I'd fire him in a heartbeat.
  • I know my husband was just looking at me when the doctor was talking. lol I have been with him and only him for 20 years so it really insulted me.  Anyways I read 100's of articles that said an rh- mom and rh- dad only can produce an rh- baby, even the rhogam brochure someone else posted on another website stated the shot is not needed if if both parents are negative. So the article someone else posted really has me thinking. I am one of those people that wont even take a medicine for a headache pregnant or not.
  • Your baby could still be RH positive.  You want to make sure you're getting the rhogam shot at 28 weeks and if your baby is positive.. they'll do it again at delivery.  It's worth the precaution.  Otherwise your body could start building antibodies against the baby and you don't want that.  I was lucky enough to get 4 pokes yesterday. My makena injection.  My Rhogam injection. My 2 blood draws for my glucose test. Fun times! 
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  • My OB said essentially the same thing, perhaps in a marginally more diplomatic way.  At my first appt., I mendtioned that I'm Rh- (first pregnancy) and my husband is Rh+, and her response was, "I don't intend this to be offensive, but we never presume parternity, as a rule.  If you're negative, we always elect Rhogam shot no matter what.
  • Wow, I would find that statement very offensive. How RUDE of your doctor. I'm RH- and they made me get a shot last week (15 weeks)because I've been bleeding/spotting on and off. I will need another one at 28 weeks and then one at delivery. They more I read about the rhogam shot the more freaked out I got about that fact that I'm getting THREE of them this time around. Don't google anything about it!


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