Babies on the Brain

How long were you together when you will/were TTC for the first time?

bmo88bmo88 member
edited March 2015 in Babies on the Brain
Just curious.

DH and I haven't started TTC and plan to wait 2-3 more years (though that feels like too far away). We will have been together for 15 years at that point (married for 5). What about you? Total relationship length, not just marriage length.

How long were you together when you will/were TTC for the first time? 183 votes

Less than 1 year
5% 10 votes
1-2 years
12% 22 votes
3-5 years
36% 66 votes
6-8 years
27% 50 votes
8+ years
19% 35 votes

Re: How long were you together when you will/were TTC for the first time?

  • It will have been 5 years and 2 months when we start in May.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Love: March 2010  Marriage: July 2013  Debt Free: October 2014  TTC: April 2015
     BFP: April 10, 2016 EDD: December 19, 2016 Team Blue!
    Oscar born November 20, 2016 at 35w6d

  • skiingstarkskiingstark member
    edited March 2015
    Been married since Sept, 09 and we were engaged a little over a year and 5 years of dating. (We have been dating through college) We have been together for a long time now and we will start trying in the summer.  I wanted to wait till we could afford a mortgage/house because if we cannot handle a mortgage/house that means we could not handle a baby in my mind. We bought our house last fall :) 

    Married to my Soul Mate since 09/06/09

    BabyFruit Ticker

    MC 10.23.15 @ 10 weeks
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  • Kids. Change. Everything! The longer you wait, the more time you get to yourselves now...on the other hand, the earlier you have them, the more you get to enjoy your empty nest in your retirement, chase grand kids while you're physically able and take cool vacations when you are still fit enough to backpack through Europe, etc.

    I guess the question lies, at what age do you want to spend more alone time together and your physical energy? Old or young? European backpacking now or later? :)
  • bmo88bmo88 member
    edited March 2015
    aavery258: That's my general perspective as well. We have had many years together so far, but we are finally at a very stable financial point where we can afford to do a lot of things. 

    For us, we are taking the perspective that your health or finances are never guaranteed. So, you will always have to figure things out. However, we know we are both healthy now and can afford to travel now. So, we are going to wait a few years, check off a few big things off our list (travel to Europe, pay off student debt, etc) and then focus on raising a family. Waiting 3 years will only put us at 30 and 32, so not very old at all. 

    Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers
  • Oh! You're so young! I agree. Live it up. I wish I would have done that as well! Instead, I had a kid when I was young (with the idea I would retire early, etc.) and then went and had an infant when he was 17! lol

    Live it up youngens! :)
  • When we start next year it will be a few months shy of nine years together. We started dating when I was 19 (right before my 20th bday) so I will be 28 when we start and he will be 30. We have done some awesome travelling and really enjoyed our time together. Now we are waiting for him to get done with school and me finish paying my student loans (both August of next year). If we won a million dollars we could start tomorrow! :P 


     BabyFruit Ticker
  • 6 years. :-)
  • We'd been together for 7 yrs and married for two when we 1st conceived.
  • We've been together for seven years, married in October, started TTC this month.
  • DH and I will be together for a little over 12 years and married for 7.5 years when we start TTC. 
    Me (29) + DH (30) | Dating 2003 | Married 2008
    DS - 02/21/2016

  • DutchLucyLuDutchLucyLu member
    edited March 2015
    We're starting next week, and we'll be together for 3.5 years and married for - mmm - I'd say 10 hours? :D
  • It will be just under 6 years together when we start TTC later this year.
    MMC 8/5/15 at 8 weeks
    DS born 9/13/16
    BFP 1/13/18 - EDD 9/20/18 - It's a boy!
  • When we start TTC in August, we will be together 8.5 years (married 4.5).
    Together 2007 | Married 2011 | Me: 36 | DH: 38
    Adopted Furbaby: 2014
    TTC#1 : 1/2016 | IUI #2 - BFP 12/24/16 -- born 9/8/17
    TTC#2: 11/2019 | Dx DOR (AMH 0.3), AMA
    IUI #2 - BFP 7/1/20 -- EDD 3/14/21
  • We were together 11 years, married 1 year when we started TTC.  Little did I know I had PCOS and it took us 2y3m to conceive DD1.

    DD1 born 5/24/10.

    Missed M/C at 14 wks Feb 2012.

    DD2 born 5/14/13.

    Missed M/C at 9 wks July 2015.

    Expecting someone new 4/17/17.
  • We'd been together 5 years and 7 months, married 2 years and 6 months when we started TTC last month. We've been NTNP since shortly before our wedding. I have endometriosis so I know there's a potential it will be a challenge for me. I'd say I'm also concerned about my age but my mom was 33 when she had me so I'm not *too* worried yet.
    Me: 29  DH: 30  Married 10/7/2012
    TTC#1, starting March 2015

  • We have been together almost 12 years, married for almost 3. We are going to start TTC in July/August.
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