It's 75 and sunny and I'm going to drive down to the beach and lie in the sun! Haven't done that in awhile and I'm overdue. What's everyone else up to today? I hope you ladies have a good day no matter what! Take care :-)
So jealous of the beautiful weather you have. It's still freezing here so I'm taking my littles guy to an indoor playground so he can run off some energy. Then the hubs and I are having a date night tonight at one of our favorite restaurants in Boston. So excited.
I miss the beach!!! So jealous @mrscaterosales !! I'm in Kansas, so not much to do here, but today is my grandpa's 79th birthday and since he lost his wife and dog in the last couple of years, we're surprising him with a new dog today!!! Then, we're going to take him out for dinner!
Jealous. It's about 27 here today which is warmer than its been. We went food shopping and then I went and signed up for a beginners knitting class. It's 6 weeks. We are potty training all weekend. Already went through 3 pairs of underpants. Having a blast! Lol.
@mrscaterosales you read my mind posting this. I'm having the laziest day ever lol, and I was wondering what all you ladies are doing. Then I came in here and you've posted the same question! Haha weird.
I'm currently lay in bed, eating pickles and extra strong cheese. Strawberry's are next lol.
Tired today and I've got RLM pain, so don't plan on moving much.
Enjoy your day at the beach! - all that vitamin D!
it's going to be months here before the word 'beach' is mentioned :-q
Hubby and I are going out of town for the weekend. We have his work banquet tonight, I bought a beautiful dress for it, so excited. Then we're spending summary with his family. They don't know we pregnant yet.
@mrscaterosales, Lucky Mama! There's still a ton of snow & ice on the ground here in KY! You're in Cali, right? I LOVE San Diego; I've been several times in the Winter and I always wear shorts so people end up knowing I'm a tourist, LOL!
I'm potty training too @bpv101283! I don't think we will be leaving the house... He's already pooped in his big boy undies! >:(
Were moving today, I was over it yesterday I'm also now incredibly jealous of @mrscaterosales for being able to enjoy the beach today!!! I want SUMMER!!!
It's 75 and sunny and I'm going to drive down to the beach and lie in the sun! Haven't done that in awhile and I'm overdue. What's everyone else up to today? I hope you ladies have a good day no matter what! Take care :-)
ugggghhh jeaaaalouuuussss. I am getting my roots done though- high time. Then we have dinner with dh grandma. Can I teleport to the beach with you?! I miss living in southern california sometimes...
So jealous!! We actually have sunshine and it's in the forties which is a huge improvement on our weather! I'm taking the dog out to play and then church fundraiser tonight.
Although I'm bummed I will be missing the UofL game.... It's senior night and against Virginia . (Huge UofL fan here
Girl. Just no. It's like 45 here and we are rejoicing! Hahah. I think we will have a fire pit tonight, yay! During the day we are running some errands to clean up the house and get the nursery cleaned out and im doing my food blog's reveal -- a super serious pickle and ice cream sundae! Lol
@erinjhayes8, Go Cards!!! I graduated from UofL & worked there for 13 years in medical research! My mom is the director of the research program there. We are die hard fans (with the exception of my 8 yr old who says "Go Big Blue"- blasphemy)!
We just installed a lift kit and got bigger tires and rails for our Jeep Wrangler (my husband's favorite toy - its like Barbie for men), so we'll probably throw the top down and take our border collie out for a drive and enjoy that Hawaiian sun after we grab breakfast at a local cafe. There's also a Jeep expo going on downtown that my husband wants to go to to look at what he wants to do next to the car. Love weekends when my husband isn't on duty!
Married 25 May, 2013 William Alexander born 18 September, 2015 Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017 Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017 Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
My hubs is outside with the yard man trying to get the house ready to put on the market. I'm curled up on the couch watching Spanglish eating Spaghettios and string cheese. We actually have dinner plans with friends tonight. I'm super excited because I haven't done ANYTHING since we found out we're pregnant. Just been way too tired but finally getting energy back! OH and we may stop by another party after dinner (if I can make it).woo hoo party girl! !
It's supposed to get up to 60° today so plan on going for a walk to the park with my pup who I KNOW has cabin fever. Bless her little doggy heart!
Well my DH and DS are taking the Kayaks to the lake so I can have a me day... Laying in bed watching movies!!! It's about 60 here but feels warmer because it's so sunny! Then tonight DH and I are going to rent a movie and snuggle by the fire place!
Well its 34 degrees out so I walked over to Wendy's for some lunch. I should do some packing for our upcoming move in a couple weeks but I'm just so wiped out today. I did put dinner in the crock pot so I did attempt to do something today.
I'm jamming out to my iTune library and working on my midterm paper for grad school. Hopefully I can motivate myself to start walking again later this afternoon (first time since getting pregnant).
I had full intentions of doing nothing, but my mom called and we went out and got maternity clothes for me and then I stopped by the grocery store on the way back. Now I'm doing nothing and I'm happy with that.
I'm sitting out in the yard with my dog while it's warm listening to the birds. 63 and sunny right now, much nicer than this morning's 31! When my husband gets home we'll go for a walk.
Hubby's birthday and he's slept in and now playing video games. King for the day lol! Kids have been playing outside all day in this gorgeous weather we're finally having. Birds singing, sun shining.
For me: cooked, cleaned, started laundry, bathed toddler, drank coffee. Going to shower myself momentarily.
I tackled the grocery store earlier, started laundry and packed ONE box (we're moving right outside orlando in 2 weeks) it's rainy and gross here today.
Now I'm on the couch with my new box of cheezits. I bought two jars of pickles today ... Ladies I am with you on the pickles right now lol.
I have also peed about 8 or 9 times today. Just one of those days....
@Melcain45 Cheez-Its are soooooo comforting to me!!
Today, my husband and I went to another prenatal appt. Nothing super exciting except for hearing sweet baby's heartbeat again on the doppler. :x
Last night, we stayed up late like children Netflixing. Then today, we took a sexy shower, but when we got out...we passed out in the bed, disoriented and dehydrated...maybe we will gear up again \:D/
Ended up being 89 degrees at the beach! It was so beautiful and relaxing. Yes I'm just north of San Diego @PerkinsFam3 Went alone with my music and a book, was the best day. Here is the beach scene and baby's first trip to the beach in my belly! Glad that most of you ladies had something fun planned, and the rest of you who are in school were productive unlike me!!
I gave a massage, played with my dogs outside and now I'm getting ready for a girls night! Much needed as my husband is out of town and the weather has been awful here in Colorado, but the next 9 days are going to be 50 and above! 66 on Wednesday! I'm so excited for sunshine and walks again.
Doing as little as humanly possible, today and for the foreseeable future. Glad the beach was fun @mrscaterosales! We actually lived in Carmel Mtn Ranch for a year. San Diego is my all-time favorite place. Hope to retire there.
I was planning to take a nap since I woke up this morning... but since then I haven't YET!! Now, I am home from work and it's time to do chores but.... I think I might take that nap now!!! :-\"
Re: What's Everyone Doing Today?!
I'm currently lay in bed, eating pickles and extra strong cheese. Strawberry's are next lol.
Tired today and I've got RLM pain, so don't plan on moving much.
Enjoy your day at the beach! - all that vitamin D!
it's going to be months here before the word 'beach' is mentioned :-q
I'm potty training too @bpv101283! I don't think we will be leaving the house... He's already pooped in his big boy undies! >:(
How nice that you'll be sharing your wonderful news with the family.
1 of the best bits of pregnancy I think, sharing your news.
Although I'm bummed I will be missing the UofL game.... It's senior night and against Virginia
William Alexander born 18 September, 2015
Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017
Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017
Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
It's supposed to get up to 60° today so plan on going for a walk to the park with my pup who I KNOW has cabin fever. Bless her little doggy heart!
Enjoy your day mamas! !
For me: cooked, cleaned, started laundry, bathed toddler, drank coffee. Going to shower myself momentarily.
Now I'm on the couch with my new box of cheezits. I bought two jars of pickles today ... Ladies I am with you on the pickles right now lol.
I have also peed about 8 or 9 times today. Just one of those days....
Today, my husband and I went to another prenatal appt. Nothing super exciting except for hearing sweet baby's heartbeat again on the doppler. :x
Last night, we stayed up late like children Netflixing. Then today, we took a sexy shower, but when we got out...we passed out in the bed, disoriented and dehydrated...maybe we will gear up again \:D/
We also played in the snow for a bit.
George (3)