Hi All -
I'm new to this board.. I've posted a lot in TTC and TTC after 35... My DH and I have been ttc for a year now, i'm 38 and he's 37. Because of our age, my obgyn had me start with an RE in November. We went through all of the tests and at the time the only thing that came back was low motility on DH's SA. In December we did our first natural cycle IUI which resulted in a BFN because DH's post wash count was VERY low. At the request of our RE, my DH saw a urologist and discovered that he had a blockage in his ejaculatory duct, fast forward to February when he had the blockage removed with a minor complication. This past week he did the second of 2 post procedure SA's and count was fantastic but he had ZERO motility. The urologist basically wrote us off and told us there is nothing left to do but IVF. A little back story on me, I'm a type II diabetic and have had 3 seizures in my life which are now controlled by medication, IVF was the last thing I wanted to hear because my neurologist was always on the fence that he would want me to go through this. After speaking with my RE, he said he's had many patients go through IVF with the same issues as me and has never had an issue. I have an appointment with my neurologist next week to just confirm I can get started on this. I'm going through a huge range of emotions with this, but scared of the unknown is what seems to be the biggest. I've gained such a wealth of information from the other boards and would love to join you lovely ladies so I don't feel so alone in this journey.
Thanks for listening!
Me: 40
TTC #1: 3 years
Me: Type II Diabetic
Started with RE 11/2014
Going through IUI with Donor Sperm
Re: New here.. intro