September 2015 Moms

gag reflex

I'm 14 weeks and still did not throw up. But blowing my nose and brushing my teeth makes me gag. I have no idea why.
Do you guys have similar things going on?

Re: gag reflex

  • I developed a gag reflux between weeks 9-11 ... I had the hardest time swallowing my pills and could only brush my teeth for a short period of time. I'm 13 weeks now and have gotten over it, but it was frustrating because I had never had issues before! (I also did not have morning sickness at all.)
  • Yea I been having this for a while. Super annoying. Especially I can put other things in my mouth without a problem. I know that sounded weird but I mean like ice cream or my fork when I eat.
    Just my body doesn't like the toothbrush anymore. ...
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  • Im having the same issue. Started around week 6. I am super phlemy in the morning recently and for reasons unknown brushing my teeth makes me have to blow my nose. So I cannot brush my tongue anymore and under certain mornings blowing my nose after the tooth brushing makes me dry heave and sometimes tummy acid comes up. If I am lazy have the day off and brush like at 10 or later im perfectly fine its like Im not pregnant or anything. Frustrated with this! Know you pain. Hope it gets better for you. Im 13 weeks 4 days and still going through it.
  • I have a horrible gag reflex when I brush my teeth in the mornings. I have to have a piece of gum by my sink to immediately start chewing ,but it really helps me.
  • OHMYGOSH YES!! I am so glad I'm not alone!!!

    I have only thrown up once, but will gag at anything - brushing my teeth, swallowing my prenatals, smelling something off...One of my students was picking his nose yesterday (like seriously digging up there) and it still makes me gag to think about it!! 

    I'm totally grateful that I'm not vomiting all the time, but this gag stuff is so bothersome! Haha, I keep telling my baby to cut me some slack already! ;-) 
  • I haven't thrown up for almost 2 weeks now, but my goodness, if I cough or sneeze, it takes all I've got to not throw up. I never experienced this with my first pregnancy. If I even laugh for a little too long, I gag. Craziness. I suppose it is just one of those many things associated with being pregnant.
  • That is honestly my worst pregnancy symptom in first tri! I gag at everything but thankfully haven't thrown up because if it. Even thinking of gagging makes me gag. Having my hair down and touching my neck makes me gag so I've been wearing it up constantly for the last 6ish weeks. Also breathing in really cold air/bright sunlight makes me gag. I had the same thing for my first child also. It's a really odd symptom and people give me funny looks when I tell them about it so I try not to talk about it very often!!
  • I've had no morning sickness but I gag, dry heave, and sometimes even vomit when I brush my teeth. It's the only thing I've had that type of reaction to. It's so weird!
  • I agree, brushing my teeth is really bad. I wonder what it is that makes me gag every time.
  • Yep me too when I'm brushing my teeth. Can't brush my tongue either. It's also affect my "time" with DH, but he's a trooper about it.
  • eule1991 said:

    I'm 14 weeks and still did not throw up. But blowing my nose and brushing my teeth makes me gag. I have no idea why.
    Do you guys have similar things going on?

    Same!!!!i never had any MS, but if something smells bad, brushing my teeth, or blowing my nose I will gag for ten minutes. I haven't been sick from the gag yet. Ugh. It's just annoying.
  • I'm so glad I'm not alone with this.
  • Yes!!! I haven't felt nauseous at all but have thrown up multiple tines from coughing or even clearing my throat. So glad I'm not alone!
  • I've finally gotten to where I can brush my teeth without gagging. But if I start coughing I will gag and start dry heaving. I opened the dishwasher this morning to add something to it and started gagging. I still feel like shit from it.
  • I throw up every morning without fail (almost 16 weeks too) and even mucus hitting my gag reflex makes me throw up on a morning. Tmi, I know.

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