Natural Birth

young mothers 16-25

If anyone is interested I made a young mothers group in the forums

If anyone has any worries/fears, questions, exciting news, gossip, needs to rant, just wants someone to talk to, needs advice, or opinions, tips on how to tell parents and family, relationship talk, friendship drama, pregnancy related or not. Feel free to join and talk. I can't promise no judgement but you won't get judged by me and I'm always here for anything that anyone needs, advice, a friend, tips or just passing time.

I'm not an expert on anything, I'm 20 years old and 5 weeks away from meeting my first baby, I fell pregnant when I was still 19. I'm here to talk if anyone needs it.

Re: young mothers 16-25

  • I'm in the same boat...turning 20 during pregnancy...I know my mom will be super upset but honestly I'm more worried about what the rest of my family will grandma had a baby at 20 so I know my grandma will be supportive...2 of my cousins were teen moms at 16&17 .... But I'm worried about the family members that are against children before marriage...
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  • I have a lot of very strongly opinionated christian family who did have a problem with children before marriage.  When they brought it up, I gave them a confused look, and said, "Would you buy a car without test driving it?"  lmao  

    I was using an IUD, so it's not like I was trying for a child before marriage, but I also think it's seriously silly not to explore all areas of your relationship with your SO before you take your vows because that is one thing I am adamant about - when I vow "Forever"  I aim to keep it forever, not just until the lust wears off or until the kids are out of the house or until the money runs out.  

    Don't stress it too much - tell em' "opinions are like buttholes - everyone has one but that doesn't mean I need to know all about yours" lmao
    <a href="" title="Ovulation Calculator"><img src="" alt=" IAmPregnant Ticker" border="0"  /></a>

    Mamma: Kitta 25, Activity Coordinator and Nurse at a school for mentally disabled adults 
    Dad: Toby, 36, army veteran and woodworker
    First time pregnant and so excited! 

  • I'm outside of the given age range (I'm 27) but I had my first when I was 17 and am 23 weeks into my second pregnancy. You didn't ask for advice, but if I could say something to my younger self it would be to BE INFORMED. I was so timid and had too much blind faith in the doctors who were "caring" for me and my baby that I didn't have an ideal birth, and despite being ridiculously healthy with no complications I wound up contending with countless interventions. Read up, watch some documentaries, interact with other mommas and mommas to be (like you're doing now) and know your options and what you want! Of course be understanding that things don't always go according to plan and some interventions are necessary but know your stuff before you go in there. I hope this doesn't come off preachy like, just a little rant to my younger self more than to you :) Good luck with everything.
  • I turned 25 this past thanksgiving...I have a 2.5 daughter and I am currently 25 weeks with baby #2! We are NOT married but have been together for going on 7 years now!

    My family is more "upset" about the fact that we will spend forever together but have no interest in marriage right now! My opinion, having gone through it, is that if you can support yourself and the baby(s) then it shouldn't matter what anyone has to say about it!! Just know that everyone has made mistakes in their life and your choosing to count this as a blessing! Let the negative go in one ear and out the other and be thankful for the positive!! Once the baby(s) gets here most people don't remember being hateful and want to be involved!! Hopefully your situation gets better!

  • im 18 years old and im 22 weeks pregnant with my first baby! iv heard of stories about young moms under 18 having horrible experiences with the hospitals doctors and nurses during labor. i am grown now but im really nervous and praying i wont experince something like that too;
  • 21 and pregnant... And married... My husband is also 21 lol. 

    The only thing is at my appointments my husband likes to be really goofy and I just wonder if they're judging us and thinking we are too immature for this. At one of our birth classes they had a guest speaker come talk (she was really hippy and kept talking about some "out there" stuff). Every time she said the word "vagina" my husband would laugh and I honestly had to hold back the laughter too. She said it in a funny way with the emphasis on the "gi" and was talking about holding stones in your vagina and hanging pill bottles from the stones with floss. It was a funny thing to imagine lol. 

    Anyway people might judge our decisions or our lifestyles but as long as we focus on being good parents and not listening to the haters, we are all going to do just fine. :)
  • I am into this board!!! I am a 24 year old old soul. Lol. 
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