If anyone is interested I made a young mothers group in the forums
If anyone has any worries/fears, questions, exciting news, gossip, needs to rant, just wants someone to talk to, needs advice, or opinions, tips on how to tell parents and family, relationship talk, friendship drama, pregnancy related or not. Feel free to join and talk. I can't promise no judgement but you won't get judged by me and I'm always here for anything that anyone needs, advice, a friend, tips or just passing time.
I'm not an expert on anything, I'm 20 years old and 5 weeks away from meeting my first baby, I fell pregnant when I was still 19. I'm here to talk if anyone needs it.
Re: young mothers 16-25
I turned 25 this past thanksgiving...I have a 2.5 daughter and I am currently 25 weeks with baby #2! We are NOT married but have been together for going on 7 years now!
My family is more "upset" about the fact that we will spend forever together but have no interest in marriage right now! My opinion, having gone through it, is that if you can support yourself and the baby(s) then it shouldn't matter what anyone has to say about it!! Just know that everyone has made mistakes in their life and your choosing to count this as a blessing! Let the negative go in one ear and out the other and be thankful for the positive!! Once the baby(s) gets here most people don't remember being hateful and want to be involved!! Hopefully your situation gets better!
Anyway people might judge our decisions or our lifestyles but as long as we focus on being good parents and not listening to the haters, we are all going to do just fine.