April 2014 Moms

Why is your kid crying?

Talltrees82Talltrees82 member
edited March 2015 in April 2014 Moms
Tell us all the ridiculous reasons your baby cries!

Bonus points for pictures!

Re: Why is your kid crying?

  • Because I fished a piece of cardboard out of his mouth that he really wanted to eat!
  • Because I won't let him play on/with the toilet. He recently discovered it and tries to get there any chance he gets
  • Loading the player...
  • Because I wont let her swing from the lamp like a monkey (stand lamp with an articulated arm) or swan dive off the couch.

    March siggy challenge: Dream job = Playing with wolves


  • Because I won't let her eat tissues or paper towels or if I try to wipe her nose with said tissues or paper towels.
  • LolaX2 said:

    Because I won't let her eat tissues or paper towels or if I try to wipe her nose with said tissues or paper towels.

    Seriously, sometimes I wonder if I am torturing her or wiping her nose!

    March siggy challenge: Dream job = Playing with wolves


  • Because I won't let him play with (or, more accurately, chew on) the tampons he fished out of the drawer in the bathroom while I am busy using the toilet.
  • This thread is awesome

    March siggy challenge: Dream job = Playing with wolves


  • Because I took my toothbrush away from her. Or because I took her out of the bathroom (she loves the bathrooms for some reason!)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Because I won't let her ride the dog or splash in his water bowl
  • Because he insisted that I share my yogurt and then he ate it all and it was gone.
  • All of these reasons. Also because I won't let her eat dog hair or chew on their toys.
  • Because I won't let her chew on cords.
  • I love all these responses!
  • These are great!
  • Because I rake the bottle of rubbing alcohol out of his mouth.
  • Because she just pooped so much that it came out the front and back of her diaper and she didn't think a bath was necessary.
  • sherks11 said:

    Because she just pooped so much that it came out the front and back of her diaper and she didn't think a bath was necessary.

    Out of the front too! Yikes!

    March siggy challenge: Dream job = Playing with wolves


  • Because he insisted that I share my yogurt and then he ate it all and it was gone.

    Do we have the same kid? I was starving last night because he ate half my dinner. And cried when it was done.
  • Because I put him down, picked him up, changed his diaper, changed his clothes, took something away from him, put him in his sleep sack, walked by his sister's room and didn't go in, scooped a googly eye out of his mouth, gave him the wrong food, was too slow giving him the food, I was eating something. I'm sure I missed something ;)
  • I really wish I could add pics from my phone, I have a great pic of DD hanging from the light like the cutest monkey ever

    March siggy challenge: Dream job = Playing with wolves


  • Because I won't let him play with extension cords. Or eat the grocery list.
  • Because I put him in his crib. Which he used to be a-ok with and now refuses to sleep in at all costs.
  • When I move! and take away my breast and she is sleeping!! When I go to the bathroom,when I put her in the high chair etc.
  • Love all of these

    Baby Boy #2 is on the way!

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • EmmaD312 this is my DD! She has been perfectly fine to put in her crib wide awake to play until she falls a sleep. She has been sick for 2 weeks and now cries and crib awake. I have been rocking her to sleep the last few nights then sneaking her in to her crib. I hate to start a bad habit but man I need her to go to sleep so I can go to sleep!
  • Because she needs to lie on her back for me to change her diaper.
  • Because she needs to lie on her back for me to change her diaper.

    True word. It takes five times as long to accomplish a diaper change while LO screams and twists around, but he hasn't figured that out yet. Super frustrating. This may be why I am crying too.
  • Because she needs to lie on her back for me to change her diaper.

    True word. It takes five times as long to accomplish a diaper change while LO screams and twists around, but he hasn't figured that out yet. Super frustrating. This may be why I am crying too.
    Yep. I literally had to pin LO down the other day. I kind of put my armpit over his chest and worked on the diaper like that. It was never going to happen otherwise. He wasn't happy.
  • Jazma11Jazma11 member
    edited March 2015
    Oh dear...sorry about the photo overload

    I think I fixed it. Can you see the pics?
  • That looks like a very familiar scene, @cantwait87! Something about the drawer, plus the crinkly wrappers...irresistible! Ha!
  • Because he wants to go bye bye. So we get in the car, and he screams the whole time lol
  • Because I have to take my keys back to drive the car. We literally had to go to another store in the shopping center because of the shit storm that ensued after I tried to take me keys back in the parking lot.
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