Because I won't let him play with (or, more accurately, chew on) the tampons he fished out of the drawer in the bathroom while I am busy using the toilet.
Because I won't let her eat the bar of soap during bath time. Or because I won't let her put her hands on her whooha when it's covered in poo and I'm changing her diaper.
Because I put him down, picked him up, changed his diaper, changed his clothes, took something away from him, put him in his sleep sack, walked by his sister's room and didn't go in, scooped a googly eye out of his mouth, gave him the wrong food, was too slow giving him the food, I was eating something. I'm sure I missed something
Because we won't let her climb up the entertainment center, no cat water baths or cat food "snacks", no eating phone cords, no climbing on the oven when it's on, I stopped her from taking a knife out of the dishwasher, the puffs are gone, the CRUNCHIES ARE GONE, I won't let her climb out of her car seat in the stroller in the middle of IKEA on a Saturday, she bit me and I put her down, she bit the cat and he ran away, I didn't let her blindly crawl off the edge of the bed, she got her fingers stuck in a childproofed drawer, I wouldn't let her eat an entire bottle of Ranch she took out of the fridge, I stopped her from putting my pumice stone from the shower in her mouth, I put her in the medieval torture device that is known as an excersaucer, she wants into the play pen, she wants out of the play pen........this list goes on and on and on. Cannot WAIT for the terrible twos!
EmmaD312 this is my DD! She has been perfectly fine to put in her crib wide awake to play until she falls a sleep. She has been sick for 2 weeks and now cries and crib awake. I have been rocking her to sleep the last few nights then sneaking her in to her crib. I hate to start a bad habit but man I need her to go to sleep so I can go to sleep!
Because she needs to lie on her back for me to change her diaper.
True word. It takes five times as long to accomplish a diaper change while LO screams and twists around, but he hasn't figured that out yet. Super frustrating. This may be why I am crying too.
Because she needs to lie on her back for me to change her diaper.
True word. It takes five times as long to accomplish a diaper change while LO screams and twists around, but he hasn't figured that out yet. Super frustrating. This may be why I am crying too.
Yep. I literally had to pin LO down the other day. I kind of put my armpit over his chest and worked on the diaper like that. It was never going to happen otherwise. He wasn't happy.
Because I have to take my keys back to drive the car. We literally had to go to another store in the shopping center because of the shit storm that ensued after I tried to take me keys back in the parking lot.
Re: Why is your kid crying?
March siggy challenge: Dream job = Playing with wolves
March siggy challenge: Dream job = Playing with wolves
March siggy challenge: Dream job = Playing with wolves
Baby Boy #2 is on the way!
March siggy challenge: Dream job = Playing with wolves
March siggy challenge: Dream job = Playing with wolves
Baby Boy #2 is on the way!
I think I fixed it. Can you see the pics?