Baby Showers

Putting gift cards on BabyList Registry

gypsea1109gypsea1109 member
edited March 2015 in Baby Showers
In lieu of putting specific clothes (other than packs of socks and packs of plain organic onesies), my Husband and I simply put gift cards on our BabyList registry, so that folks know what stores we like, etc. BabyList is our only registry, since it's so simple to post things from any store and does not require gifts to be purchased at any specific brick and mortar store. (Everyone in our families are tech savvy, and even the Great Grandparents text...we have a young family ;) )

Have any of you put gift cards on your registries? Do you find that people buy less clothes for you when you do something like this? (Or am I doomed to just getting a pile of clothes and no sensible items? Lol)

I really want to save gift cards for after she is born so I can buy what we need as we need it, and not have a stuffed nursery before she is even here.

(And just a note, I care very little about 'etiquette' as I feel like a lot of 'etiquette' is simply archaic, personally. My mom sees no issue with gift cards on the registry, and we are a non-traditional family in all senses...but I know my Husband's family might feel differently.)

Thanks! ;)

Re: Putting gift cards on BabyList Registry

  • I don't have an issue with it but most people like to give traditional gifts at a shower that can be opened and oohed and ahhed over. You will probably still get a lot of clothes but they could be in all sizes. You might want to consider registering at some of the big box stores simply for the sign up gifts and completion coupons. If there aren't a lot of physical items on the registry, you leave it up to your guests to buy something they think you need/want. I registered for a lot if things I needed and didn't have the energy or time to shop for and got a lot if gift cards LOL.
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  • I don't have an issue with it but most people like to give traditional gifts at a shower that can be opened and oohed and ahhed over. You will probably still get a lot of clothes but they could be in all sizes. You might want to consider registering at some of the big box stores simply for the sign up gifts and completion coupons. If there aren't a lot of physical items on the registry, you leave it up to your guests to buy something they think you need/want. I registered for a lot if things I needed and didn't have the energy or time to shop for and got a lot if gift cards LOL.

    We are having a girl, and we announced it (now I am wondering if that was not the best green ladies claim to get less cutesy clothes and more necessities). I am so sure I am going to get tons of clothes and have to return most of it to get everything we actually need. 

    I am right with you on the no-energy-to-shop thing! That's why I want people to stick to my dang registry, so I don't have to run around at 8 months pregnant and return everything. 

    I am a huge Amazon Prime and online store shopper, so gift cards would be amazing! ;) 
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  • I try not to get parents gift cards for a shower. After all, the mother to be opening her gifts is typically the main event. Watching the mother receive gift cards just seems weird.
    Coffee Bean Born 6/13/15.
    2nd round exp 8/20/18.
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  • You keep mentioning how you don't want clothing. Let me tell you a secret: a baby can go through 30 outfits in a week. Easily. Don't be so quick to turn down clothing unless you want to live in a washing machine.

    As for the gift cards, on my registries there was a box to check off if you want gift cards to be accepted as a registry item.

    We are actually filled to the brim with hand me downs - I do not have room for more clothes! :P
  • I try not to get parents gift cards for a shower. After all, the mother to be opening her gifts is typically the main event. Watching the mother receive gift cards just seems weird.

    That's true...I hadn't thought of that! 
  • Normally, I would discourage this.  But in your situation, I think it works.  One way to look at registering for gift cards is that it tells people "Hey, if you don't know what to get us, we won't be offended by gift cards."

    Some people feel uncomfortable getting the MTB a gift card because they want to be original or get a "real gift."  But if faced with a fairly non-traditional registry like yours (I read the other post but didn't reply) some might see this is a great way to support you without buying you something that would be perceived by you as a mistake or an offense. 
    High School English teacher and mom of 2 kids:

    DD, born 9/06/00 -- 12th grade
    DS, born 8/25/04 -- 7th grade
  • Normally, I would discourage this.  But in your situation, I think it works.  One way to look at registering for gift cards is that it tells people "Hey, if you don't know what to get us, we won't be offended by gift cards."

    Some people feel uncomfortable getting the MTB a gift card because they want to be original or get a "real gift."  But if faced with a fairly non-traditional registry like yours (I read the other post but didn't reply) some might see this is a great way to support you without buying you something that would be perceived by you as a mistake or an offense. 
    Yeah, I think I am just non-traditional in many ways. My mom's side of the family is super crunchy, hippie, and earthy (which I am as well) and my Husband's family is polar opposite. It makes for a lot of miscommunication and it's not me trying to be nasty about gifts, it's just me not willing to use certain things on my baby. I felt like gift cards make it simple. As the person that will be opening gifts that day, I would be DELIGHTED to get tons of gift cards in lieu of clothes and stuff. 

    I have several friends in my conservation organization who are gifting me BOXES and BOXES of gently used boys and girls baby clothes (I am having a girl, but it doesn't matter to me what color things are! Onesies and sleepers are onesies and sleepers!), so I really truly have little space for extras. It will all have to go back to the stores, save for maybe some nice holiday wear, or something like that. Another thing, we don't use anything leather or suede too, and people do sometimes forget and I end up having to return those kind of items too. 

    I know it's not every one else's job to appease me via my registry, but they sure get upset when they realize I've returned something. :( But it's a no-win, because in my mind, if they paid attention, they would not mistakenly buy a vegan family leather baby shoes, know? 

    Long story short, I love gift cards! Haha  :))
  • I'm in the same dilemma as I'm not too sure if I want to accept gift cards for my registry.  My line of people will prefer to give a gift or CASH.
  • akanini said:

    I'm in the same dilemma as I'm not too sure if I want to accept gift cards for my registry.  My line of people will prefer to give a gift or CASH.

    Gift cards, cash, or checks are all kind of the same sort of gift to me - and I think any of those are great for new parents! I know my Husband and I would save any cash or checks given! 
  • I would be really surprised if anyone got you a leather or suede baby gift.  I can totally see someone saying "Heh -- organic baby diapers! I give her two weeks until she's begging to use these Pampers I'm buying!"  But that mentality doesn't usually coincide with buying leather or suede baby stuff.  Unless it's furniture.  I've honestly never seen someone give shoes at a baby shower, and I've been to a zillion showers and seen and received some pretty bizarre gifts.
    High School English teacher and mom of 2 kids:

    DD, born 9/06/00 -- 12th grade
    DS, born 8/25/04 -- 7th grade
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  • To answer the question, I think it's rude to put gift cards on the registry.  In my mind, it seems like asking for cash, etc. and that just screams rude.  If someone wants to get you a gift card, they will, it's not rocket science.  

    OP, you seem really worried about what kind of gifts you are going to get for someone who considers a shower to be a more "spiritual" experience.  I can't help but side eye the crap out of all this.  
    Because you can totally read people via forum messages ;) 

    Why comment on my posts then? I don't mind if you don't...seriously! 
  • Tacky, tacky, tacky.
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