So...I had this bright idea to take a hpt today. I'm 7w6d and in a moment of weakness, I did it. I took a first response and literally FREAKED OUT because I barely had a positive line. I immediately went on Google and learned about the "hook effect" which is basically when your HCG levels in your urine are too high for hpts and for some weird reason The results read faint or even negative! To test it, you can dilute your urine and will almost always get a much darker line.
So...I attached a picture. The top test is my undiluted urine. The bottom is about 50% urine and 50% water. (I took the tests about an hour apart).
All that being said. Huge lesson learned today. I'm going to have faith that God is in control and stop freaking out. No more tests for me!
Just wanted to share in case this happens to anyone else!
Re: The hook effect is real!!!!!
Preg #1 - PTL @ 23.5 weeks - angel in heaven (Addison Margaret)