I'm almost 28 wks and have had my first hemorrhoid ever this weekend. I woke up this am and used the restroom and wiped and the hemorrhoid is bleeding!? It doesn't hurt or anything. Anybody else have this happen??
@sassymama15 thank you!! I googled it first before I asked and it did say it was normal, but I wanted to get ppls experiences/opinions on here that have actually had it happen!!
@xxyourstrulyxo glad to see it's not just me!! I'm 35 yrs old and have NEVER had one so when I seen blood, it def scared me!!! Mine doesn't hurt yet, thank God!!
Oh yeah, I had to go to the OB because mine was excruciating. It thrombosed, burst and then wouldn't heal. I got a sitz bath seat from Walgreens and some Epsom salts and a prescription for a topical steroid (much to my dismay) and it cleared it up. The dr. said we will be plagued by these hemorhhoids the entire pregnancy.
@twodreamers that's def nothing to look forward to!! Mine doesn't hurt YET, just aggravating to even know I have one!! I haven't used anything on mine so far and I'm hoping it doesn't come to that!!
@BabyShirah mine got aggravated when I was registry shopping and on my feet for 7 hours straight. I will not make that mistake again. I'm glad yours isn't painful - sorry we have to have them at all.
that happened to me a few weeks ago and i didnt know what was happening. so i called my mom. she told me it was probably a hemorrhoid... it never did hurt but i bled a lot. then it went away and havent had any problems since. its scary anytime you bleed and arnt sure why!
@twodreamers I cheated and done all my registering online!! If I were on my feet 7 hours straight, my feet would be about to bust!!! @mrswynn2014 I lost my mama when I was 27 (almost 8 yrs ago) and I'm a FTM, but Lord how I wish she was around now for that advice she'd always give!! My daddy tries to help, bless his heart, but I'm def bt asking him about a hemorrhoid!! LOL!!!
I am just so use to it I am not bothered by it anymore. Just to warn you they can and usually do get worse after childbirth...for obvious reasons...but they will go away. I tried hemmorrhoid cream but honestly and this may be TMI but the slipperiness in my behind was more uncomfortable than the hemmorrhoid itself. So wasn't worth it for me.
Re: TMI maybe...but bleeding hemorrhoid?
Invest in some tucks pads. After you give birth they feel especially good straight out of the fridge.