I'm having a dilemma if I should invite some old co-workers of mine to my baby shower that's not at work, because I'm not sure about the baby shower at work, if I will know the date or if they will ask me to invite people outside of my organization. I work for the DoD, so everyone doesn't work in the same building and I would hate that I didn't invite old coworkers to my shower, they have asked me to when I told them I was expecting.
Have you all had a similar case with this? Suguesstions/Comments
Re: Who to invite to Baby Shower
If they ask for your registry link, you should send it to them though! They might throw you a surprise Shower at work and if you get some registry gifts from the little party - score!
If yes, then sure, invite them. If no, then no, don't invite them.
Just because they said they wanted to be invited to a shower doesn't mean you HAVE to. Especially if you aren't really friends with them - I think it would be odd to invite them to your friend/family shower.
Most likely, if they aren't invited to any shower, nothing will come of it. But if a shower happens at work and they aren't included and you aren't asked about who to invite, IF nayone says anything to you after the fact, all you need to say is "I wasn't involved in the shower at all. If I had been asked, of course I would have made sure you were included". Period.
@gypsea1109 these are actually old coworkers. I am friends with a couple of them, and the other 2 told me to let them know about a my baby shower when I told them I was pregnant. I know that my organization where I'm located now is planning something as far as a shower, but I don't know the details. So, I was thinking that I'd invite my old coworkers to the one outside of work, I don't think all will come.. I guess its the common courtesy of inviting, I guess.
The one coworker I talk to on a good basis works with the others and I just think it would be weird if I didn't invite the other 2, that I used to work with.....IDK....Or do you think I should ask them if they want to an invitiation to my shower?
I invited 4 old co-workers to my friend/family shower. It was nice that they knew each other and could sit by each other and didn't feel out if place. It was great to see them and we all had a good time. I think work showers are for work people only. I've never had a shower at work for any occasion where outside people came except the Bride or MOB or father.
Even if they don't come, I think it would be nice to include them in your invites!