My fiancé and I found a good deal at Babies R Us on the new Fisher Price 4 in 1 smart connect cradle swing. We set it up and turned it on, and we were disappointed to hear a loud grinding noise as it swung. We thought that it might just be because we had just set it up, and it needed time to adjust. Well, after about 10 minutes on the highest speed, it was still making the same God awful sound. We also added weight to it, which actually made the sound worse. The display model at the store definitely did not do this, and I'm hesitant to return it and get a new one for fear of the same thing happening with the new one. While researching, I've found that many moms have had the same issue with similar models, such as the snugabunny swing.
Thankfully the baby is not due for quite some time, so we have time to find a better quality swing. Does anyone have any recommendations? Trying to not buy another Fisher Price model. Also, how long did your babies sleep in it? Wondering if it's even worth buying another one.
Thanks in advance!
Re: Best cradle swings?
Emily 8.8.08
Madeline 1.2.11
William 8.5.12