Natural Birth


My sister had a c section for her 1st and wants a VBAC for her second (she is about 8 weeks), are there any good resources for her? Her doctor said she is a good candidate but isn't very supportive- she is looking for a 2nd opinion but thought I would try and give her some other resources.


  • Tell her to find her local ICAN chapter. They were essential for my vbac, as was the vbac tracks/affirmations from Hypnobabies. I think it's essential to find a provider that is vbac supportive and not just tolerant though too!

  • Marettie said:

    Tell her to find her local ICAN chapter. They were essential for my vbac, as was the vbac tracks/affirmations from Hypnobabies. I think it's essential to find a provider that is vbac supportive and not just tolerant though too!

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