He got a slap and I was furious at 3 am. He's the sweetest though. He said babes that's not a dream it's a nightmare. I love him. Even if I violently beat his side hoes ass on my frount lawn when I was 7 months prego. Lol I am not a violent person at all. But in this dream....,Somthing snapped. Anyone else having insain dreams.
Re: Absolutely crazy dreams. He cheated and I woke up pissed.
This morning I just woke up from a dream that he turned my beautiful frosting covered brownie into like a chocolate paste to dip garlic bread sticks in (don't ask. I have no effing idea). I have never woken up so mad at him. But in my defense, he ruined my brownie and when I told him that's not how I wanted it he told me he didn't care what I wanted. He'd never say that in real life. But now I wish he'd wake up so we can talk about it.
I was never scared of dying before I saw my dad die, but now I am terrified. I don't want to go like that.
I constantly dream of dad. I Wake up in a sweat, crying and breathless. It's the worst feeling ever. It's like I'm re-living it all again.
I miss my dad so much. He didn't get the chance to see my son or my wonderful OH.
I try desperately to wake myself up by getting out of bed (having a wee as normal) and walk round the house exhausted and longing for my bed, as I know if I don't, I'll go back into the same nightmare.
Sorry to be so morbid.
He has sooo much to learn yet!
On the flip side, I also dreamt that this patch in our lawn that has gone brown in the winter suddenly started sprouting with lush green grass again. That was a happy dream