September 2015 Moms

Absolutely crazy dreams. He cheated and I woke up pissed.

He got a slap and I was furious at 3 am. He's the sweetest though. He said babes that's not a dream it's a nightmare. I love him. Even if I violently beat his side hoes ass on my frount lawn when I was 7 months prego. Lol I am not a violent person at all. But in this dream....,Somthing snapped. Anyone else having insain dreams.

Re: Absolutely crazy dreams. He cheated and I woke up pissed.

  • Every night! Makes great coffee conversation with DH in the morning. I've had the cheating ones too and was legit mad at him all day after lol.
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • Oh my gosh I don't feel so crazy! I woke up in tears the other day because of a dream where he was cheating on me!
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  • Constantly, I lost my dad to cancer at 21, he suffered an awful lot. Mum and I sat by his bedside for 3 days solid until he finally passed, in the most awful way you can imagine.
    I was never scared of dying before I saw my dad die, but now I am terrified. I don't want to go like that.

    I constantly dream of dad. I Wake up in a sweat, crying and breathless. It's the worst feeling ever. It's like I'm re-living it all again.
    I miss my dad so much. He didn't get the chance to see my son or my wonderful OH.

    I try desperately to wake myself up by getting out of bed (having a wee as normal) and walk round the house exhausted and longing for my bed, as I know if I don't, I'll go back into the same nightmare.

    Sorry to be so morbid.
  • Totally had this dream! Ugh woke up furious at 4am & left my bed because I was so pissed at him lol. These dreams are crazy!
  • After I had my son, I fell asleep nursing him one night. I had a dream that my hubby was giving me a titty twister. I woke up and was about 1/2 a second from slugging him before I realized what was going on. Lol
  • Lol same here!! I've been having the craziest dreams and waking up pissed!!!! Lol lol I'm like what are these dreams trying to say!
  • For about 5 days straight I had dreams of him cheating on me and me beating the shit out of the girl and him. The dreams are soo freakin vivid tho and I remember like every second and every detail its crazy. Then in the morning im bitching at him like I hope your not... He's like omg it was just a dream. Relax I wouldn't do that to you, I love you. Im just wondering why the hell am I having dreams like this and they seem soo real!!!??
  • I read these posts to my husband who is just awkwardly laughing. Awkward laugh bc I haven't had these exact dreams, but I have woken up and "made him account" for his behavior in a dream. He is soooo not ok with that sort of craziness yet. We've only been married for a year and have only known each other for 4 months before marriage.

    He has sooo much to learn yet!

  • Oh god...! I'm having real horror story dreams, poltergeists, hauntings, and all sorts, could probably sell the scripts to Hollywood! Waking up sweating and flailing my arms around, whacking poor SO and needing to turn the lights on...

    On the flip side, I also dreamt that this patch in our lawn that has gone brown in the winter suddenly started sprouting with lush green grass again. That was a happy dream :)
  • Yes, the dreams are out of control. I had one that my dh murdered someone and I found the body in our closet. I woke up super upset, even though it is so rediculous. I've also had many dreams about old boyfriends. Ick!!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Almost every night:( trying to figure out what my dreams are trying to tell me. Scary thats for sure.
  • Had a dream last night that hubby cheated and was leaving me! Can't shake the feeling yet. Definitely having weird dreams.
  • Yall that's child's play. I had a "sexy" dream (well, started out that way) where I grew a penis! Like.. A big one! I woke up like sweating and had to peak just to be sure, like in a movie or something. Still trying to analyze that for gender prediction purposes...
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