Babies on the Brain

Getting off BCP

paigeedpaigeed member
edited March 2015 in Babies on the Brain
So I know the recommondation is to be off the pill for a few months before trying. I'm wondering how necessary that is or isn't. I don't want to be behind the game when we want to start trying, but do you really need to wait? What do you all think? What are your experiences with this?

Thanks in advance ladies!
Me (26) DH (28)
Married 6.22.13
Hoping for a Herd Linky
4/15--TTC #1
12/15--IF testing
3/16--Dx Unexplained IF
Clomid + Ovidrel + IUI + Progesterone cycle
Cancelled due to cysts. Started 3 weeks of BCP.
4/16--Cute Ute! Clomid+Ovidrel+IUI+Progesterone TI.
Cancelled-no response
5/16--Hemmorhagic cyst and other cyst discovered.
No medicated cycle. MRI scheduled to rule out
septate uterus.
6/16--Septum discovered. Consultation for surgery.
Surprise BFP 6/8/16--EDD 2/13/17
Kole David--1.7.17--Tiny but Mighty, born at 34+5 after HELLP syndrome
Chart Stalk Me


Re: Getting off BCP

  • It's completely up to you. Some women take a bit off the BCP to start having regular cycles. (Personally I've had 60+ day cycles coming off of BCP and I also got pregnant first month off of bcp so it is always different.)

    Read Taking Charge of Your Fertility and start chatting. You'll be able to see your cycle and see when you ovulate. Good luck.
    Surprise! Baby #2 EDD 7/28/17
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I had this same question because I've heard both people who get pregnant the first month and then others who are told to wait so I made a preconception appointment with my obgyn and was told to go off birth control for 2 months prior TTC due to the greater risk of miscarriage. I figured I have the time so I would follow dr orders. I'm worried how it will be as I have been on bc for 15 years and have endometriosis so I can't begin to imagine my body getting back to normal and what my new normal will be. I was also prescribed prenatal vitamins as she wants me to be on those for 3 months prior TTC. I guess I just feel like I'm getting my body ready and still have time to process all this information. It's reassuring to read others concerns and thoughts on this topic! Thanks for posting!
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  • Thanks for the advice. I've heard of the book, but haven't really looked into reading it yet. I want to be prepared, but I also don't want to get sucked into worrying about not conceiving. Do you feel like after reading the book you analyzed every detail of conceiving? Or were you able to just go with the flow?
    Me (26) DH (28)
    Married 6.22.13
    Hoping for a Herd Linky
    4/15--TTC #1
    12/15--IF testing
    3/16--Dx Unexplained IF
    Clomid + Ovidrel + IUI + Progesterone cycle
    Cancelled due to cysts. Started 3 weeks of BCP.
    4/16--Cute Ute! Clomid+Ovidrel+IUI+Progesterone TI.
    Cancelled-no response
    5/16--Hemmorhagic cyst and other cyst discovered.
    No medicated cycle. MRI scheduled to rule out
    septate uterus.
    6/16--Septum discovered. Consultation for surgery.
    Surprise BFP 6/8/16--EDD 2/13/17
    Kole David--1.7.17--Tiny but Mighty, born at 34+5 after HELLP syndrome
    Chart Stalk Me

  • Wow! I didn't realize it could cause miscarriage. Definately something for me to start bringing up with DH if we are going to consider TTC this spring/summer.
    Me (26) DH (28)
    Married 6.22.13
    Hoping for a Herd Linky
    4/15--TTC #1
    12/15--IF testing
    3/16--Dx Unexplained IF
    Clomid + Ovidrel + IUI + Progesterone cycle
    Cancelled due to cysts. Started 3 weeks of BCP.
    4/16--Cute Ute! Clomid+Ovidrel+IUI+Progesterone TI.
    Cancelled-no response
    5/16--Hemmorhagic cyst and other cyst discovered.
    No medicated cycle. MRI scheduled to rule out
    septate uterus.
    6/16--Septum discovered. Consultation for surgery.
    Surprise BFP 6/8/16--EDD 2/13/17
    Kole David--1.7.17--Tiny but Mighty, born at 34+5 after HELLP syndrome
    Chart Stalk Me

  • I have endometriosis and cysts as well. I had a miscarriage three months of being off BCP and then started it again for a couple months (it's recommended for my endo, plus we weren't ready to try again) came off and got pregnant first month. You don't need a preconception visit with your dr, get to know your cycle yourself, honestly it's easier to know when you ovulate and when to expect your period rather than guess and waste tons of money, time, and stress on testing too much when you don't need to. So read the book, start charting when you come off BCP, and start taking a prenatal now.
    Surprise! Baby #2 EDD 7/28/17
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I went off microgestrin BC 13 months ago and it took about 7 months for my cycles to become regular. I've been charting the whole time and the last few months I can safely say I see a pattern. This will be our first month TTC so we will see how it works!
    Pros of going off the pill:
    Weight loss
    Less night sweats prior to AF

    Weird new hair growth/baby bangs I never had
    Bacne! Ugh-never had this before.
    Breakouts on my face

    Thats my experience. I had been on the pill for 13 years prior to stopping.

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