how much talking is your LO doing? DD is solid on "ba ba ba" but not much else. Just curious....Also I posted this in the April 2015 board we'll see how many sassy comments I get.
LO says "ma ma ma" and has seemed intentional about it once or twice. But I think mostly he is just making sounds. My SIL was sure to let me know that 3 words by a year is a milestone. And her kids had 5. Haha. I figure LO will talk when he's ready, but DH and I decided we'll tell her he has 6 words by one, no matter what.
My girl is still babbling (mama, baba, etc) although she is trying to copy now and has done "baba" for sheep and tried to copy a few of my son's words yesterday and today. Nothing I would call "talking" yet, but getting closer. Ds had his first words some time between 10-11 months and he was an early talker, and dd is 10 months today so it hasn't even been on my radar.
We've got a clear intentional Mama and Dada. When he's finished eating/drinking he signs all done and says "ah da". He says "Papa" too but I'm pretty sure it's not intentional yet. My favorite is the sound he makes at the cat. Our cat is a jerk, not friendly at all. She complains all the time. DS tries to copy the sound she makes. It makes me laugh.
Avery was "talking" for over an hour last night, saying mama mama mama over and over again! It was so cute but hubs was feeling a little left out. We're trying to get dada but it's only happened a couple of times.
Lots of babbling she has said mama a few times but it's usually dada and dog she will point at DH and my parents dog and say dada and dog....... I can see where I stand with her
My guy seems to be an early talker. Momma, dada, papa (grandpa), uh-oh, bye bye, hi, boop (nose), baba, ball, nana (banana), and tu-tu (turtle) -all of these intentional and used correctly. He also mimics a lot of what we say- like today he said bowl. I was an early talker so I wasn't too surprised. Language has such a large threshold for "normal" so don't be concerned. I have a friends whose kids didn't say much till after 2 and they turned out great and very smart.
Mine can say hi or "i" rather and she'll repeat sounds but I'm not sold on them being intentional yet. In the last week she's been doing a lot of jabbering while she plays. It will sound like "do be ba ba do do" with inflection as if she's saying something. Neither of my kids hit the 3 words by 12 months milestone but did by 15 months. All have been early walkers though. In talking with other moms, it comes up a lot that their kids were either early walkers or early talkers (or average on both). Some kids are amazing talkers early on and it's easy to get frustrated. I remember at a playdate with my first daughter another 18 month old told me her toy was a yellow starfish. I was like WTF. Meanwhile my kid was eating sand or something.
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I worry because DD isn't doing the constanant babbling. She makes lots of noises with inflection, but not the babababa mama mama ( although she did say mama mama once). The doc didn't seem too concerned so I'm trying not to be. I have heard that babies either focus on motor or verbal development. And she is definitely focusing on motor (crawling, walking assisted, pulling to stand, etc).
I know she's understanding because if you ask her where the dogs are she looks at the right dog and where's mama and she looks at me, etc. We read and talk to her all the time. So I try not to worry but I can't help it!
@lilac02 don't worry! My LO babbles one day and then says hardly anything the next. Like you said, you know she's taking it all in and understanding what you're saying. I don't think you have anything to worry about. She's probably going to be the 18 month old that starts talking in descriptive sentences.
LO says mom, mama, dad and Dada. He says it when he wants our attention and definitely says mom and mama more during the day when dads at work, then dad and Dada when he's home, so I think maybe its intentional?
Lots of babbling-dadada, mamama, bababa. Says mama & dada appropriately. Ball, bye, baba (bottle), and bowl (sounds like bags though). DS1 was diagnosed autistic at age 2 and still, at 3 y.o., doesn't talk much; so this whole really "talking" is a trip to me!
Mine is in the early walker, no talking camp. She can cross the room unassisted but barely babbles and I've never heard something that seems intentional. She does seem to be understand more of what I say though, so I'm not worried at all. She is 11 months on Sunday.
Ds can say mama, dada, ball, ooof ooof (for dog well every animal lol) and hi. He says all of them intentional. He also signs some too. He knows milk, all done, please and waves bye bye/hello. As far as walking goes..he can stand unassisted for a few minutes, pull himself up and cruise on furniture.
I was a 9 month walker and a 10 month talker so I really expected it from DD, we got the talker part but she is being so stubborn about walking. She has been standing assisted and cruising furniture since 8 months, she just doesn't want to let go. On a plus note, last night I discovered if I start acting all crazy and waving my hands around, she will let go and imitate me for a few seconds before either falling or grabbing support again. Maybe we are finally making headway.
March siggy challenge: Dream job = Playing with wolves
They come and go with the ear infections. Right now we're getting lots of babble - bababa, dedede, momomom, nothing direct or naming. I did tell him to go get the ball yesterday, and he brought me a ball (with lots of pointing).
I've been trying to figure out LO's language for a while now. It seems like his jargoning means something to him now - there's inflection, emotion and he seems to be referring to things, but not many words yet. He says dada, but sometimes it's a babble dada and sometimes seems like more of a word. But it usually seems to be linked to DH, so I think we can safely say he says Dada. I also think he's saying "that" (dat) and this week said "uh-oh" when he dropped something. We then sabotaged it by constantly saying it back to him and now it seems like it's just become something fun to say. He might also be saying "down"... So generally I think he's getting there; I'm just not totally sure about how intentional it is yet.
DD says "ahhsat" for "what's that" and will point out things she wants us to tell her. She says "Da" for dad and just started intentionally saying (note: usually cries) "mamamamahhhhh" for mom. She definitely understands no, dog, book, "where is xyz person," and signs "all done" when she's done eating. It blows my mind how much she's changed in the past month!
DD has been saying mama for a while but just recently started saying it and really meaning me. She also says dada to DH with a big smile and bah for bottle. She understands no and shakes her head no when someone says it and "where is (person)". she has started pointing and reaching for things and waves hi and bye with intention now. How did our babies get so big?!
Yesterday and today dd has repeated all done after finishing a meal! Well, she has said "ah duh" but it wa super cute! Dh doesn't believe me, but ds is a witness
My little guy turned 1 year yesterday. He copy's a lot of what we say but randomly. The words he says and knows what they mean GO (his favorite word) , mamma, dada, baba, ah boo, ball, ba(bath), hi, bye, ah da (all done), he can sign all done. Waves hi and bye., shakes his head yes and no. He has been crying a lot when he wants food so we are working on saying / signing food. Being my 3rd I'm trying really hard to get him talking. It fun watching them learn.
No words, but emphatically says 'arah' while holding a phone to her face. Other than that it's babbles. And no walking, just cruising and standing. LO1 was walking steadily by 11 LOs, and I don't remember when she got words but I feel like it was sooner than a year.
I think it's because LO2 loves her paci and purse dry thing she finds in her mouth- until she finds something more interesting to chomp on(less talking) and is a fast crawler, and with DD1 to chase she's taking the "if it ain't broke why fix it" approach to walking.
LO is definitely using mamama for me, and dadada most of the time for DH, and he knows to wave when I say "Say Bye" as well as what I mean when I say ball, book, and clap. He also seems to use the dog's name Bobo (but I can't pinpoint that as coincidence or not). He's not walking yet, but he's a super fast crawler. Doing lots of floor to standing and cruising.
Our little guy is saying Mama, Dada, and uh oh. He says uh oh constantly. It is his newest and favorite thing to say. He doesn't know what it means, but we are working on it. If I tell him to say Mama, he says uh oh and thinks he is hilarious! He said bye bye at the end of a FaceTime call with my sister, but I'm pretty sure it was a fluke.
Mine says hiya, kitty, oh dear, and ta intentionally. She knows how to point. And if I say "where is dada / the kitty / grandma etc?" she will look at them.
Wow! What chatter boxes you all have! Mine still on the "bah"s mainly. Some other words if she is mad. Then I get "mama" but not intentional I don't think.
Re: talking.
March siggy challenge: Dream job = Playing with wolves
Neither of my kids hit the 3 words by 12 months milestone but did by 15 months. All have been early walkers though. In talking with other moms, it comes up a lot that their kids were either early walkers or early talkers (or average on both).
Some kids are amazing talkers early on and it's easy to get frustrated. I remember at a playdate with my first daughter another 18 month old told me her toy was a yellow starfish. I was like WTF. Meanwhile my kid was eating sand or something.
I know she's understanding because if you ask her where the dogs are she looks at the right dog and where's mama and she looks at me, etc. We read and talk to her all the time. So I try not to worry but I can't help it!
Baby Boy #2 is on the way!
Proud Mommy of Derek Michael
April 8, 2014 9lb 6oz 21 inches
March siggy challenge: Dream job = Playing with wolves
Dh doesn't believe me, but ds is a witness
I think it's because LO2 loves her paci and purse dry thing she finds in her mouth- until she finds something more interesting to chomp on(less talking) and is a fast crawler, and with DD1 to chase she's taking the "if it ain't broke why fix it" approach to walking.