September 2015 Moms

any other 9/11 due dates

Yes, my due date is September 11th.  I feel like it is so awkward to tell people.  Everyone says, "oh don't worry, most babies aren't born on their due dates anyway."  I've yet to tell anyone the EDD without some type of reaction.  Anyone else in this boat?  Any suggestions on how to make it less awkward?  I've considered just saying he/she is due on September 10th.

Re: any other 9/11 due dates

  • My due date is 9/10, but originally I had thought it was going to be 9/11. I just decided I was going to tell everyone 9/10, since the due date doesn't really matter since the baby will come when it wants to, and I would rather avoid the reaction from everyone! If the baby ends up being born on 9/11, I'm just going to look at it as a blessing and a reason to be thankful on what was such a sad day years ago.
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  • I'm due Sept 6th but my doctor told me a lot of FTM's go PAST their due date...wahh lol. But if the baby does end up being born on Sept 11th... Whatever! Babies are born on tragic dates in history all the time. I don't think anyone should care. Don't stress about it :)
  • I haven't really felt that people are being rude, just uncomfortable. The nurse even cringed when she gave me my due date at the first appointment.   I think people are excited to ask about my pregnancy and then for a split second when I bring them back to that date there is just some sadness/awkwardness that comes along with it.  I agree though, I will be just as excited to welcome this baby on September 11th as I would be September 10th or 12th.  It was a horrible day and it would have new meaning to me if my LO was born on it and would bring in some sunshine on that date.  
    I was thinking saying Sept. 10th would just be easier.  It could very well be the EDD anyway.  They just went off my LMP and I guessed at the exact date.  
  • It is a very sad day for sure, but your due date and your baby's birthdate is out of your control. It's not like you chose 9/11 on purpose.

    Even though the date brings on reminders of the tragedy, perhaps new life could shed a new light on that day.
  • It's so silly to worry about this. I was born September 11. I'm 28 years old. My life has not been affected by my bday being that day. You should just be grateful for the blessing of life.
  • That's crazy that people react to your due date like that! No one seems to care if you're born on Pearl Harbor Day or any other remembrance day. I'm due the 13th and the ONLY reason I don't want the baby coming on Sept 11th is because it's my sister's birthday
  • Well at least if no one else wants to celebrate this due date, you know your friends here will celebrate the joy of baby's birth day no matter what it is!!!
  • My birthdate is sept 11 and my due date is sept 11. People that I've told that know my birthday and know how hard we've been trying are very excited for us.

    My doctor before she realized it was my birthdate winced and said we can push it back to Sept 12. But I'm used to this reaction when new people find out my birthday. You just get used to it.
  • WDDCHWDDCH member
    edited February 2015
    I have a niece born that day. There are many tragic days in history. Rather than look at it as a terrible birth date, think of it as turning a bad day in history to a great day for the present and future.

    Anyone can tack on any horrid fact or story to any date. Don't focus on that. Focus on the joy.

    And please remember an EDD is just that: an estimation. Your baby could come anywhere from two weeks before, or after, that date (give or take).

    Edited a grammatical error.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • People can be so rude. I'm due September 10th but the baby can come whenever, I already got what if the baby is born on September 11th. Omg what is the big deal, it is a day like any other, my child has no control over what day or time he or she is born. I will continue to pay my respects to people who died that day and their families but I can still celebrate and cherish the day my child is born.
  • I met my husband on 9/11/10!
  • My due date is 9/11. When my husband found out that it may be September he called 9/11 two weeks before we knew. My doctor tried to cheer me up about my EDD but I didn't need it. We have been trying for this baby for a while and dealt with infertility so when ever my baby comes I will be happy. And if it is 9/11, well we will remember NYC and celebrate new life! But I do understand where you are coming from... I have had some interesting reactions.
  • I have two nieces (sisters) born on 9-11. One on 9-11-01 (Yep) and the other 9-11-03. My due date is currently 9-8 but I was three days late with my first, so if that happens again...9-11. I've thought about it and would prefer to avoid it but if it happens it happens. Would be weird to have 3 kids in the family born on the same day.
  • My due date is 09/09 but I wouldn't be upset if baby came on 09/11.. my wedding anniversary is 01/09/09 so either date would be cool since it is so similar to my wedding anniversary. 9/11 was a tragic day in history but it doesn't change the excitement of a baby. There are a lot of days throughout the year that bad things happened on.
  • I just want to point out that 9/11 had a tragedy only one time in history and other than that is a normal day. Every day on the calendar can have a tragedy on it, we shouldn't focus on that.I say my due date with pride and excitement and have only had 1 weird reaction that I was quick to squash. I have no problem with my baby being born September 11 or any other day.
  • Mine is September 12th and everyone always says good thing it's not the 11th or good thing you'll have a scheduled c section (which is always a week before your due date). I have also had both of my other kids at 37 week. So there is no way I can have the baby on the 11th but I don't see why people think it is so horrible. I was in 6th grade when it happened and I have been to NYC to all the museums and ground zero and I honestly think something to actually be happy about and joyous about on that day would be a good thing. My friends birthday is DDay your born on whatever day your born I get made fun of because my birthday is in order it's 7890.
  • My EDD is 9/11 but measuring a little earlier. While 9/11 is a sad day I feel like it has become a patriotic day. A day to remember and fight for. I won't have a problem if my baby is due on this date and I've stopped listening to what others have to say about everything. I am much less stressed this way too ;)
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Mine is. I either get an awkward silence or a weird look.I try to do a little laugh after to make it not so awkward.
  • As crummy as it is, there are less than pleasant events on a lot of days on our calendar. And the bottom line is that a tragic event on a given day doesn't change the statistics of how many people are born on a given day, because biology doesn't discriminate that way. I would just say try to not let it bother you and try to not wince or cringe when you tell others the date. This might sound really stupid, but you could always try saying "the eleventh of September" instead. Obviously people will still put two and two together, but it would potentially prevent that September 11th/9-11 instant association people have with the date. Or maybe not, but the thought occurred to me so :)
  • I am due 9/11 and I am just going to tell people 9/12 to avoid the cringe faces and unnecessary comments. I won't be sad if the baby comes on 9/11 though just as long as the baby is healthy!
  • My EDD is 9/11 too. When we found out, my husband said he felt honored. He's a firefighter and the tragedy that happened years ago has always had a big impact on him. He's even got the towers inside of a Maltese cross tattoo on his rib cage. I think it's pretty neat too. Besides, hardly ever is the baby born on the actual due date.
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